This commit is contained in:
Rhinemann 2023-05-08 10:22:23 +03:00
parent 38d8674bbd
commit 2206bf6319
1 changed files with 30 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -1,33 +1,31 @@
from datetime import datetime
import json
def readfile(filename):
with open(module_path + filename) as f:
# global constants
# Accusative - znahidnyj
WEEKDAYS_ACCUSATIVE = ["понеділок", "вівторок", "середу", "четвер",
"п'ятницю", "суботу", "неділю"]
WEEKDAYS_ACCUSATIVE = ["понеділок", "вівторок", "середу", "четвер", "п'ятницю", "суботу", "неділю"]
# Genitive - rodovyj
WEEKDAYS_GENITIVE_NEXT = ["наступного понеділка", "наступного вівторка",
"наступної середи", "наступного четверга",
"наступної п'ятниці", "наступної суботи",
"наступної неділі"]
WEEKDAYS_GENITIVE_THIS = ["цього понеділка", "цього вівторка",
"цієї середи", "цього четверга",
"цієї п'ятниці", "цієї суботи",
"цієї неділі"]
WEEKDAYS_GENITIVE_NEXT = ["наступного понеділка", "наступного вівторка", "наступної середи", "наступного четверга",
"наступної п'ятниці", "наступної суботи", "наступної неділі"]
WEEKDAYS_GENITIVE_THIS = ["цього понеділка", "цього вівторка", "цієї середи", "цього четверга", "цієї п'ятниці",
"цієї суботи", "цієї неділі"]
# global variables
module_path = ""
def get_human_readable_date(start_datetime, end_datetime,
current_day, current_week):
human_readable_date = ""
if ((current_day + 2) == int(start_datetime.strftime("%u"))) or ((current_day == 6) and (start_datetime.strftime("%u") == "1")):
if ((current_day + 2) == int(start_datetime.strftime("%u"))) or (
(current_day == 6) and (start_datetime.strftime("%u") == "1")):
human_readable_date += "завтра "
elif current_week != int(start_datetime.strftime("%W")) % 2:
human_readable_date += f"{WEEKDAYS_GENITIVE_NEXT[int(start_datetime.strftime('%u')) - 1]} "
@ -45,9 +43,7 @@ def get_human_readable_date(start_datetime, end_datetime,
return human_readable_date
def generate_lesson_description(lesson, start_datetime, end_datetime,
current_day, current_week, overrides = {}):
def generate_lesson_description(lesson, start_datetime, end_datetime, current_day, current_week, overrides={}):
output_settings = {"name": True, "date": True, "teacher": True, "link": True}
@ -75,12 +71,12 @@ def get_schedule_data_from(filename):
baked_schedule = {}
for daynum, lesson_times in enumerate(raw_schedule):
for day_number, lesson_times in enumerate(raw_schedule):
for lesson_time in lesson_times:
timestamp = daynum*86400 + int(lesson_time.split(":")[0])*3600 \
+ int(lesson_time.split(":")[1])*60
timestamp = day_number * 86400 + int(lesson_time.split(":")[0]) * 3600 \
+ int(lesson_time.split(":")[1]) * 60
new_record = dict(raw_schedule[daynum][lesson_time])
new_record = dict(raw_schedule[day_number][lesson_time])
new_record["source"] = filename.split(".json")[0]
baked_schedule[timestamp] = new_record
@ -109,15 +105,14 @@ def process_arguments(args, base_day):
return preferences, selected_day
def get_lesson_description(schedule, reference_time, lesson_time,
current_day, current_week, overrides = {}):
def get_lesson_description(schedule, reference_time, lesson_time, current_day, current_week, overrides={}):
lesson_record = schedule[lesson_time]
lesson_start_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(reference_time + lesson_time)
lesson_end_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(reference_time + lesson_time + 5400)
return generate_lesson_description(lesson_record, lesson_start_datetime, lesson_end_datetime,
current_day, current_week, overrides = overrides)
current_day, current_week, overrides=overrides)
def process(message, path):
@ -143,14 +138,13 @@ def process(message, path):
current_week = current_time.isocalendar()[1] % 2
current_day = current_time.weekday()
current_seconds = current_week*604800 + current_day*86400 \
+ current_time.hour*3600 + current_time.minute*60 \
+ current_time.second
current_seconds = current_week * 604800 + current_day * 86400 + current_time.hour * 3600 + current_time.minute \
* 60 + current_time.second
reference_time = int(current_time.strftime("%s")) - current_seconds
if base_command == "!пара":
upcoming_lessons = [timestamp for timestamp in schedule if timestamp > current_seconds-5400]
upcoming_lessons = [timestamp for timestamp in schedule if timestamp > current_seconds - 5400]
if len(upcoming_lessons) > 0:
closest_lesson_time = min(upcoming_lessons)
@ -162,7 +156,7 @@ def process(message, path):
elif base_command == "!пари":
base_day = current_week*7 + current_day
base_day = current_week * 7 + current_day
if len(full_command) >= 2:
args = [i for i in full_command[1:] if len(i) > 1]
@ -171,12 +165,10 @@ def process(message, path):
preferences = {}
selected_day = base_day
lesson_list = [i for i in schedule if selected_day*86400 <= i < (selected_day+1)*86400]
lesson_list = [i for i in schedule if selected_day * 86400 <= i < (selected_day + 1) * 86400]
lesson_descriptions_list = ["Назва: " + get_lesson_description(schedule, reference_time,
lesson_time, current_day,
current_week, overrides = preferences)
lesson_descriptions_list = ["Назва: " + get_lesson_description(schedule, reference_time, lesson_time,
current_day, current_week, overrides=preferences)
for lesson_time in lesson_list]
return f"Пари у {WEEKDAYS_ACCUSATIVE[selected_day % 7]}:\n" \
+ "\n\n".join(lesson_descriptions_list)
return f"Пари у {WEEKDAYS_ACCUSATIVE[selected_day % 7]}:\n" + "\n\n".join(lesson_descriptions_list)