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12. Directives of the assembler.
The Directives does not translate in executive codes. They serve as pointers
of assembler on that or other action which it must do with operands, attached to
the directive. We shall consider the directives, supported by assembler
"COMANDOR" and rules of the work with them:
Following directives will are considered In this part:
12.1. Directive of including in translated text INCLUDE.
12.2. Directive of accomodations of the executive code ORG.
12.3. Directive of input of mark and(or) of the correspondence to EQU.
12.4. Directive of input of macros.
12.5. Directive of input of values of determined cells of memory DW.
12.6. Directive of installation of internal registers of complex ACCEPT.
12.7. Directive of input of switchings of the conditions for BMM LINK.
12.1. The Directive of the including of translated text INCLUDE.
INCLUDE (+) - a directive of the insertion in translating program of the text
from indicated file. The File assigned in directive must be in the same
directory, as translating file. The Example:
include macro.lib
+ routine
12.2. Directive of the accomodation of the executive code ORG.
ORG ($) - a directive of the accomodation of the executive code indicates to
the assembler on that nearest following after directive microinstruction will
be situated in memories of the microinstructions by adress, specified after
directive ORG. The Address must not exceed the last addressed field of the
microinstructions. For instance:
org 010h
org start
$ 100
12.3.Directive of input of the mark and(or) of the correspondence to EQU.
EQU (=) - a directive of the inputting of the marks and correspondence need
for You if You want to change any numeric constant or standard mnemonics of the
assembler on clearer equivalent for You. The inputting of the mark is realized
by writing the keyword EQU(=), name of the mark and by operator of division ":"
of equivalent of the mark.
For instance:
equ start : 10
= add :add equ op1 : r1
equ op2 : 10
$ start
{add op1,op2;}
12.4. Directive of the inputting of the macros MACRO.
MACRO (#) - a directive of the inputting of macros allows You to construct
your own commands and use them in the same way easy, as standard commands of
the assembler. The Directive of macros is assigned by keyword MACRO, name of
macro with enumeration of all its formal parameters and, by operator of division
":" - the macro, executed in the manner of standard command of the assembler
that is to say, inside of operators "{ }".
For instance:
MACRO inc reg :{ add reg, reg, z, not z; }
# JC cond, addr:{ Field Const addr, 0; CJP cond; }
# dec_RgQ :{ sub Rq, Rq, z, not z; }
The Name of macro becomes usual standard mnemonics for translator with all
spreading rights on it. The Names of formal operands of macro can`t be reserved
mnemonics. In program a macro is assigned by its name and, real operands
enumerated through comma in the same order, as it was inputed.
For instance:
{ inc r4; jc not co, start;}
start {dec_RgQ;}
12.5. Directive of the input of values of determined cells of memory DW.
DW - directive of the inputting of anyy cells of memory from lower 256
addresses (0..255), as well as random 32 cells of memories from the general
address space by amount of 2Mbytes by necessary values. For instance:
dw 03Fh:15
dw 124:1,2,3,4,5 \put into cells with address
\beginning from 124 numbers 1,2,3,4,5
12.6. Directive of installation of internal registers of complex ACCEPT.
ACCEPT - a directive of the installation ACCEPT will help You immediately to
install the initial condition of that internal register of the kit , which You
will need while you work. Following topics are covered:
12.6.1. Installation of internal register BC1 and BP2.
12.6.2. Installation of internal register BY4.
12.6.3. Installation of conditions external device.
12.6.4. Installation of internal register BH1.
12.6.5. Installation of speed of memory.
12.6.1. Installation of the internal register BC1 and BC2.
It is Possible to produce initial installation of following registers:
- a working registers R0..R15 or all together as RGU
- a registers RQ;
- a registers RM, RN;
- a registers RA, RB.
For instance:
ACCEPT RGU: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh
ACCEPT RM: 0101%
12.6.2.The Installation of internal registers ED4.
It is possible to produce initial installation of following register:
- a pointer of the stack SP;
- cells of the stack STACK[1]..STACK[5] or the whole stack - STACK;
- a register of the address-counter RAC;
- a register of the counter of the microinstructions MICR (PCMK).
For instance:
12.6.3. Installing of the conditions of the external devices.
It is possible to install the features of external devices (DEV):
- the type of the device: IN - input; OUT - output;
- an address of the register of the condition within 64Kb (max 0ffffh);
- an address of the register data within 64Kb (max 0ffffh);
- the time of the forming the signal "Termination of the cycle" (max 0ffffh);
- time of the forming the signal "Ready" (max 0ffffh).
For instance:
ACCEPT DEV[3]: IN, \device of the entering
0342h, \adress of register of condition in memory
0344h, \adress of the register of data
12, \how much is the termination of the cycle of
\the functioning
2, \time interval, after which the data can be
Besides it is possible to assign an internal buffer of data DEV_BUF before 16
words for the inputting device, for instance:
ACCEPT DEV_BUF[3]: 1EF3h, 234Ah, 0E79h, 1285h
12.6.4. Installation of internal registers BH1.
It is possible to produce initial installation of following registers:
- a register of the masks RM;(max value is 0ffh)
- a register of the permittion of the interruptions IR.
(max value is 0ffh) For instance:
ACCEPT RM : 10111001%
12.6.5. Installing the speed of working of memory.
It is possible to produce an initial installing of the speed of the working
of the memory by means of mnemonics RDM_DELAY, for instance:
will install speed to memories in 3 machine tacts
12.7. Directive of inputting of switchings of conditions for BMM LINK.
LINK (&) - a directive of the inputting of the adjusting the connections of
the kit allows the programmer to produce all necessary adjusting of the
system right in program:
12.7.1. Adjustments of the recording in register of the address.
12.7.2. Inputting the address of transition by vector of interruptions.
12.7.3. Adjustments of converter of address of the microinstruction.
12.7.4. Adjustments of the buffer V.
12.7.5. Adjustments of enters of the multiplexor of the conditions.
12.7.6. Adjustments of registers of the inputting of operands in ALU.
12.7.1. Adjustment of the recording in register of adress.
In given system the register of the address has 20 bits that with 16 bits
data bus requires two cycles of recording of information in this register; so
the register is devided into two parts, each of which controls by own signal
of recording:
- EWH for writing in senior part,
- EWL - in younger.
While adjusting the system it is necessary to assign the youngest bit of
recording by signal EWH that is to say, to assign the amount of bitt, written
by this signal. So that it can be written only for 16 bits, that, accordingly,
the starting bit can be from 4-th to 16-th inclusive.
For instance:
LINK EWH : 11 \adjust the recording in register of the address
\so as it will be recorded 10 bits of
\senior and younger
\parts of address accordingly by
\sinlals EWH or(and) EWL
12.7.2. Inputting of address of transition by vector of interruptions.
There is the possibility in system at appearance of inquiry for interruption
from one of 8 external devices to give on data bus the address of transition on
corresponding subprogramms of the processing of the interruption. 8 addresses
are kept in converter of the exit of the block of the priority interruptions,
presenting from itself the ROM 16*16. The enterence for given ROM is a vector
of external device VEC[0]..VEC[7]. The inputting of the address of the
transition is possible to realize for each vector apart,and also for all
vectors together:
LINK VEC : 1111h,2222h,3333h,4444h,
The Maximum address of the inputting - 0FFFFh.
12.7.3. Adjusting the converter of the address of microinstruction.
There is a possibility to give on internal bus of the address of the
microinstruction the address with buses of the data moreover in free order of
the following of bits through 12-digits buffer M . The inputting is realized
by consequent enumeration of 12 connected on exits of the buffer from 11 to 0
wires from data bus from 0 to 15, for instance:
LINK M : 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
12.7.4.Adjusting the buffer V.
There is possibility to give on internal bus of the address of the
microinstruction directly signals of inquiry for interruption IRQ0..IRQ7, the
code of the condition CT, the general interruption INT, readiness of memories
and external devices RDM and RDD, as well as signals Z and NZ through 12 digits
buffer V .
When adjusting You necessary to enumerate all 12 connected signal, for
instance: LINK V : Z,NZ,IRQ0,IRQ1,IRQ2,IRQ3,
12.7.5. The adjustment of enterings of the multiplexor of conditions.
On the entering of the multiplexor of the conditions L[1]..L[6] it is
possible to give the signals of inquiry for interruption IRQ0..IRQ7, of the
code of the condition CT, the general interruption INT, readiness of the memory
and external devices RDM and RDD, as well as signals Z and NZ. The inputting is
realized apart how for each entering the conditions,and so the general,
for instance: LINK L : CT,INT,IRQ0,IRQ1,IRQ2,IRQ7
12.7.6. Adjustment of registers of inputing of operands of ALU.
4 digits registers of ALU RA and RB allow to give on entering of the choice
of operands in ALU the data directly from data bus moreover the switching of
the wires of data bus on the entry of registers can be free and is assigned.
Adjustment of switchings of wires is realized similarly as adjusting of the
buffer M, for instance:
LINK RA : 11,12,13,14
LINK RB : 10,9,8,7