initial commit
This commit is contained in:
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Цей проєкт має на меті надати зручний доступ до документації програми емуляції цифрової ЕОМ, що має назву КОМПЛЕКС (також відома як МікроЕОМ та COMPLEX), а також перекласти її зрозумілою українською мовою з англо-російської.
## Структура проєкту
Файли документації та її перекладу зберігаються у відповідних теках `docs/*`.
Повний текст оригінальної документації можна знайти у файлі `docs/original/total.txt`. Він розбитий на частини, що стосуються програми загалом (файли `docs/original/complex-*.txt`) та компілятора мікроасемблера COMANDOR (файли `docs/original/comandor-*.txt`).
Тексти перекладів знаходяться у відповідних каталогах `docs/*`, що містять файли перекладів `complex-*.txt` та `comandor-*.txt`. Зверніть увагу, що в каталогах перекладів відсутні файли `total.txt`: вони формуватимуться у відповідному каталозі `build/` під час побудови документації.
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## Побудова документації
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║C O M A N D O R║
Mnemonic two-pass assembler for the educational system "COMPLEX"
- Foreword.
1. Source file.
2. Numeric constants.
3. Marks.
4. Commentary.
5. Structure of the microinstructions.
6. Arithmetic-logical commands.
7. Commands for control issue.
8. Commands for the interruptions processing .
9. Command for the loading register LOAD.
10. Command for assign of the microinstruction FIELD.
11. Official commands.
12. Directives of the assembler.
Exhibit 1:
- Table of reserved mnemonics.
Exhibit 2:
- Reports on mistake.
Exhibit 3:
- Task of the microinstruction by default.
Exhibit 4:
- Example of program writing.
Mnemonic two-pass assembler "COMANDOR" is intended to
relief of the laborious labour of the programmer on writing the micro-
instructions of the microprocessor system "COMPLEX", debug and
performing the programs on software emulator, and quick contributing
the changes to source text.
The result of the functioning the assembler on translations of the
source text file is a file with extension '.pmk', and its queue source
for programm emulator of the microprocessor complex.
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
1. Source file.
As source file for translation is a usual text file, for which
equitable following rates of the writing:
1) all unadulterated mnemonics must be written together,assembler
does not make differences between title and small letter of the
alphabet, so mnemonics
'ADD' 'AdD' 'ADd' 'Add' 'aDD'
are identical and assembler do not differ them;
2) between separate mnemonics, digital constant, mark, correspo-
ndence and comments can be pleaced many insignificant symbol
and controlling sign, such as gap, tabulation, return the
carriage, linefeed etc.,there are no restrictions on accomodation
of the commands in text is not imposed; this allows programmer
an enough liberally to pertain to text of programm with standpoint
of its exterior;
3) follows to point to the fact, that assembler supports the
higher part of the table symbol ASCII, in which is
enclosed national alphabet, but all standard mnemonics,
provided in a ⁿ1 table-addon of reserved mnemonics,
was translated for latin alphabet, and so necessary neatly
to pertain a wadding of mnemonics, that have in its
composition symbols, which are equally writed, but having
differ coding. However, given rule does not mean that
programmer must avoid the national alphabet, except
for writing explaining commentaries that is complitly seen
in such programming languages, which were are oriented
only on english user. By help of the labels structures
and correspondence the user can in any place of its
source file assign comprehensible for him indication and
use it with standard mnemonics of the language.
So such, for instance, command, as
Sum up operand1, operand2;
will not contain mistake and it is will be translated correctly
under that condition that all provided in example of mnemonics
will beforehand described.
4) the main file must be ended of the microprocessor command, that is
concluded in quotation marks.
Strictly keeping rules of commands writing, the neatness in set
of the text of the program will guarantee the quick translation and
debug - the practice is witnesses that majority error appears firstly
of all because stile of writing is careless and the inexact knowledge
of the development object.
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
2. Numeric constants.
The numeric constants are used at assigning the numeric operand,
the addresses transition and load constants. The sign of the constant
is a value at the beginning of initially mnemonics. "COMANDOR"
distinguishes four main forms of the value assign:
1) decimal form:
2) hexadecimal form:
3) octonary form:
4) binary form:
All constants cannot exceed size of the machine word.
Except direct assign of the constant in command You may refer to the
current Pointer of the Command CP. The Assembler transforms it in the
current numerical value of the Command Pointer .
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
3. Marks.
The marks is serves for change often used constants on symbolic
equivalent for increasing read ability of the source text.
Main rules for writing the marks:
1) symbols, which can not be included in marks:
# $ ( ) * + , - . / [ \ ] { | }
2) mark can not begin from numerals values;
3) the sign of mark ending is any sign of punctuation,
gap, sign of tabulations, the end of line, as well as
any one of symbol, enumerated in rule 1;
4) the mark is not comply with reserved mnemonics (see
exhibit 1 - a table of reserved mnemonics);
5) the length of the mark can be assign arbitrarily, but
assembler will recognize only first ten symbols; so
when use the marks more than ten symbols then in
translations can appear some mistakes;
Examples of the marks writing: - Loop
- First_go
- Mark_1
- To_long_mark_is_incorrect
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
4. Commentary.
The commentary are used for explanation of one or another
command functioning, or the whole program as a general, as
well as for "commenting" some checking command.
Begin sign of commentary is a special symbol
The assembler ignores all meeting symbols before the next
symbol '\' or to the next line. For instance:
\ short example of the program \
{ add RB,X,Z; } \ load X in R10
{ add R11,Y,Z; } \ load Y in R11
{ add RQ,R10,Z; \ rewrite X in RQ
cjp l1,compute; } \ if number is positive that moves to
\ calculation
{ sub RQ,Z,RQ; } \ otherwise bring X to positive
{ sub R11,Z,R11; } \ convert Y for correct sign
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
5. Structure of the microinstruction task.
The memory of microinstructions in microprocessor complex contains
the separate microinstructions, each of which is divided on many field.
The command of the assembler is modifies some parts of microinstruction
field. Whole microinstruction is assigned by operator for microinstruction
assign, which is described by assistans of two figured bracket
Thereby collection of the assembler commands is limited inwardly
'{}' and presents one microinstruction of the microprocessor complex.
Inwardly bracket can be kept any amount of the commands of
assembler, or no one. So even at assigning of empty microinstruction
you determine actions, that produced in emulator of the microprocessor.
Usually - it's "empty" actions that corresponding to command NOP if
it existed.
Main rules of the commands writing on assembler language "COMANDOR" is
described below:
1) all commands of the assembler must be fited inwardly in operator of
the microinstruction assign '{}';
2) command always begins with name of the command, which is reserved
3) operands divide between itself by operator of the division operands
4) command must be ended by operator of the command end ';';
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
6. Arithmetic-logical commands.
The arithmetic-logical commands serves for performing some microinstruction
as adding, subtractions, bitwise logical operation, operation of the shifts,
loading, inversion of separate register in Arithmetic-Logical Unit (ALU),
that is built on four microcircuits BC1 and one m/c BP2.
In a whole there is 7 commands, formats of which will are considered in
given section:
1)ADD - arithmetical adding;
2)SUB - arithmetical subtraction;
3)OR - logical adding;
4)AND - logical multiplying;
5)XOR - logical subtraction (excluding "OR");
6)NAND - logical multiplying in which first operand is taking
with inversion;
7)NXOR - logical subtraction in which result is inverted;
Next will be considered:
6.1. Assign of register shifts.
6.2. Assign of the result receiver.
6.3. Assign of operand, on which is executed some operation.
6.4. Assign of the input carrying.
6.1. Receiver of the result.
As receiver of the result can emerge the following operands:
1) RQ - work registers of ALB;
2) R0..R15 - one of the register of the general-purpose (RGP);
3) RB - RGP, number of which is determined in RB;
4) NIL - the empty receiver (the result is not saved, but can protrude on
BD, as well as can be used flags, which are installed when the
operations is perform).
The assigning of the RB implies use of RGP, the number of which is kept
in stood register RB.
6.2. Operands, on which operation is assigned.
Any one of described above commands allows to execute the
actions on two operands and place the result in to operations
register, in general event not coinsiding with operand, on which
operation was executed. For example,
But often receiver of the result is simultaneously and one of the
worker operand. Then possible lower writing of this operand twice,
and assembler by itself will be undertake the task hipping an
operand commands. For example:
Here is possible operands, which possible indicate when command assign:
1) Z - "internal" zero, specially realization in
BC1 chip is to protect data bus from frequent
trivial information;
2) RQ - work register of ALB;
3) R0..R15 - one of the general-purpose register;
4) RA,RB - GPR, number of which is determined in RA or RB;
5) numeric constant;
6) BUS_D - writing of such operand speaks of that, that
operand will be scanned from data bus.
6.3. Assign of shift register.
6.3.1. Structured scheme of the shift performing on ALB.
6.3.2. Standard types of shifts.
6.3.3. General types of shifts.
The arithmetic-logical block, on which is built ALU of microprocessor
complex has as one of their own function possibility of simultaneously
with execution one of the arithmetic-logical operation to produce the shift
of the register-receiver. Control of shift type is realized by microinstruction,
entering on entry MI(10-6) m/c BR2. Shift is assigned by microinstruction
MI(8) m/c BH1. Herewith is possible to realize simultaneous shift of worke
register RQ. For this purpose is necessary to place before operand of the
shift the operator of the modification
which is indicates to assembler that is produced simultaneous shift of the
register-receiver and work register RQ. For example:
ADD @SRA,R4,123H;
The assembler allows to define any one of possible types of the
shift, or using one of the standard shift. Below brought all possible
types of shift and operands, by means of which their are possible
to assign.
6.3.1. Structured scheme of the performing shifts on ALB.
───────────┐ ┌────────────────────────
BP2 │ │ 4 x BC1
═══ SLQ │<---------->│ RQ.0╟─────────────┐ ═══
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ ┌┬───────┬┐ │
SRQ │<---------->│RQ.15╟─┤│ RQ │├─┘
│ │ └┴───────┴┘
│ │
│ │ ┌┬───────┬┐
SRB │<---------->│RB.15╟─┤│ GPR[B]│├─┐
│ │ └┴───────┴┘ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
SLB │<---------->│ RB.0╟─────────────┘
│ │
6.3.2. Standard types of shifts.
│ logical │ arithmetical
│ │
│ │ NO xor VO
│ ┌┬───────┬┐ ┌──┐ │ │ ┌─┬───────┬┐
right │ 0─>││ GPR[B]││->│MC│ │ └─>│ │ GPR[B]││
│ └┴───────┴┘ └──┘ │ └─┴───────┴┘
│ │
│ │
│ ┌──┐ ┌┬───────┬┐ │ ┌─┬───────┬┐
left │ │MC│<-││ GPR[B]││<─ 0 │ │ │ GPR[B]││<── 0
│ └──┘ └┴───────┴┘ │ └─┴───────┴┘
When assign the double standard shift it is necessary to write
accordingly SRWL SLWL SRWA SLWA.
For example: ADD SRA,R4,0;
XOR SLWL,RQ,1010101010101010%;
6.3.3. General types of shifts.
They Are Assigned by type of shift (SR - a right shift, SL - a left
shift) and type of the shift. The Type of the shift is assigned by its
number (refer to table for BP2_MI.A-6), specified through point
directly for type of the shift , for example:
ADD SR.3, R0, R5, R3;
XOR SL.18, R0, 10;
Point to the fact, the type of right shifts (SR) is assigned by number
from 0 to 15 and the type of left shifts (SL) by number from 16 to 31.
6.4. Entering carry.
Entering carry is assigned in command of the first subgroup (ADD and
SUB).This operand is unnecessary and is by default considered equal zero.
In the event of evident inputting of the carrying its necessary to set it
in quality of the last operand of the command. The Inputting of the
operand of the carrying influences on the field MI(5-0) of controller shift
m/c BP2 of microinstructions. Here follows to take into account that this
field is responsible also for loading of register of marks RM and RN m/c
BP2; so be cearful in simultaneous use the commands of the arithmetical
adding(subtractions) and commands of the loading of register of marks,
because it can occur the accompaniment of the undesirable input carrying
that will distort the result. The Translator of the assembler do not checks
the compatibility of the commands and a mistake under said event will not give.
The following possible signals of the entering carry are exist:
1) Z - a signal of the logical zero;
2) RM_C - a bit C of register of the mark RM;
3) RN_C - a bit C of register of the mark RN.
It possible to assign the inversion of these signals by means of last
operator to inversions "NOT". The Examples:
SUB RQ,R4,not Z;
ADD @SRA,R5,10,not RN_C;
The using of the operand of the carrying requires the full task of the
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
7. Commands of the handing over of the management.
The Commands of given groups process the field of microcommand m/c BY4,
which is a scheme of management 12-digits address of the microcommands
and executes 16 microcommands.
7.1. Selection of address of the transition.
7.2. Command Descriptions of the handing over of management.
7.3. Operands of the inputting of the condition.
7.1. Selection of the address of switch.
Many commands BY4 execute the modification of the counter of the micro-
instructions, executing hereunder the transition on new microinstruction,
not residing directly behind executed in memories of the microinstructions.
The Other commands can execute the modification of the register of the
address. All address and data for loading enter on BY4 with Buses of the
Address of the Transition (BAT). On BAT data can enter with three buffers:
- the buffer V;
- the buffer M;
- the buffer P.
As can be seen from schemes situated below, each of these buffers is
commuted with different source of data:
- the buffer V sends on BAT the data from ROM vectors of transition m/c BH1;
- the buffer M commute BAT and Data Bus (look on directive LINK M);
- the buffer P sends on BAT data from ROM of microinstructions (field D);
7.1.1. Structured scheme of the choice of the address of the switch.
│ ROM EM │
════════╪═════════════╤════════════════════════════════╤══ BUS_D (16)
└┐ │ │
┌────┴────┐ ┌────┴────┐ ┌────┴────┐
┌─o Buffer V│┌─o Buffer M│ ┌─o Buffer K│
│ └────┬────┘│ └────┬────┘ OED└────┬────┘
VE │ ME │ │
═══════╧══════════╤═╧══════════════════╤═══ BAT(12) │
│ │ /16
┌─────────────────┴──────────┐ ┌────┴────┐ │
│ ED4 │ ┌─o Buffer P│ │
│ │ │ └────┬────┘ 12 │
PE └───────/─────┤
field D ROM│
7.2. Command Description of the handing over of the management.
If while inputting commands it is required to indicate the condition of its
execution,then it is put after mnemonics of the command as first operand;if is
it additionally required to indicate the direct address of the transition, or
(for command LDCT) to assign new value of the register of the address RA, then
numerical value (the mark) handles in command as a second operand:
1) JZ - a transition to zero address;
JZ; \ unconditional transition on zero address
2) CJS - a conditional transition to subprogram on specified address;
the address of the transition goes on BAT through buffer R;
CJS CT, START; \ if condition CT is executed,
\ then move to subprogram by adress
\ START, otherwise continue calculations
3) JMAP - an unconditional transition on specified address,residing on data
bus; the address of the transition goes on BAT through buffer M;
JMAP 100; \ move to address 100
4) CJP - a conditional transition on specified address;
the address of the transition goes on BAT through buffer R;
CJP not RDM, CP; \ wait while memory will not give
\ signal to readiness
5) PUSH - a boot in stack of the counter of the microinstructions, and
plus hereto on performing the specified condition of execution
LDCT; value of the downloaded counter of the microinstructions
enters on BAT through buffer M;
PUSH not CT, 10; \ save in stack address of the following
\command and load in RA 10,
\ if condition CT is not executed;
Form without operands writing the command PUSH is can be; then,
the condition became false and, consequently, the boot in RA does
not occur.
6) JSRP - a transition to one of two subprograms by adress, taken from
register of the address (if condition is not executed), or on
specified address;
the address of the transition enters on BAT through buffer P;
JSRP IRQ0,53O;\ if condition is executed, then
\ move to executing of the command by adress
\ 43 (53o = 43), else
7) CJV - conditional transition by adress from external sourse;
the adress of transition gets on BAT from buffer V;
CJV CT;\ if condition is executed, then
\ the adress of next command is read
\ from buffer V
8) JRP - similar as command JSRP, but without boot in stack the address
of the returning; the address of the transition enters on BAT
through buffer P;
9) RFCT - a recurrence of the cycle until the register of address is zero
(the comparison RA with zero, and if no, then make a transition
by adress, keeping on the top of the stack with simultaneous
decremention of RA);
PUSH NZ,10; \memorize on the top of the stack the address
\of begining of hte cycle with simultaneous boot
\in RA number of passage (RA executes the role
\of counter of the cycle)
RFCT; \ decrements RA, and until zero
\ move to the begining of the cycle
10) RPCT - a recurrence of the cycle until the register of the address is a
zero (the comparison RA with zero, and if no, then transition by
adress, keeping in memories of the microinstructions with
simultaneous decrementing of RA);
the address of the transition enters on BAT through buffer P;
RPCT loop; \ compare RA with zero and if RA <> 0,
\ then move to the "loop"
11) CRTN - a conditional returning of the subprogram;
CRTN not NXORV; \ checking the sign of the overflow in
\ system with extended net of the sign
\ and if there is no overflows -
\ - return from subprogram
12) CJPP - a conditional transition on specified address and simultaneous
decrementing of pointer of the stack;
the address of the transition enters on BAT through buffer P;
CJPP RM_C,NEXT; \ check C mark of register of the marks
\ RM and if 1 then come out from cycle
13) LDCT - recording in register of the address RA;
new value RA enters on BAT through buffer P;
LDCT val; \ \ load in RA the value of val
14) LOOP - a conditional breaking of the cycle (if condition in command
is not executed, then address of the following microinstruction
is chosen from top of the stack, else the following command
PUSH; \ \ save the address of the begining of the cycle
LOOP not CT; \if in the enterence CT - 0, then return to
\ the begining of the cycle
15) CONT - transition to performing of the following command (is
executed by default);
16) TWB - conditional branching by three directions (RA is compared with
zero: if not, then RA decrement`s and then the LOOP executs,
else the same LOOP, but with sample of the address not from
stack, but from memory of the microinstructions through buffer P).
TWB NZ,NEXT; \while RA<>0 return on the begining of the
\ cycle; if RA=0 move on NEXT
7.3. Operands of inputting the conditions.
The operands of the inputting of the condition are used in such commands
as CJS, CJP, PUSH, JSRP, CJV, JRP, CRTN, CJPP, LOOP and TWB. The Signal of
the condition is given on entry of LU block of microprogramming management
through eight-entered multiplexor MS, two entries of which are beforehand
predestined as Z and NZ (0 and 1), but the rest of six entries can be commuted
by different signals (refer to inputting of switchings of the conditions with
help of directives LINK). While inputting of the operand of the condition it
is possible to use following predestined mnemonics:
1)Z, NZ - condition is defined as undoubtedly false (true);;
2)ZO, CO, NO, VO - signs of the zero, carrying, sign and overflows defined
by result of the execution of operation in ALU;
3)RM_Z,RM_C,RM_N,RM_V - the flags Z, C, N and V keeping in register of the
marks RM;
4)RN_Z,RN_C,RN_N,RN_V - similarly for RN;
5)NXORV - sign of the overflow for system with two digits of signs;
6)ZORC - condition is became true when there is a flag of zero or
overflows in ALB after operation
(ZORC = Z or C).
7)L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6 - a direct inputting of the number of the entering
of the multiplexor of the conditions, from which the condition signal will
be scanned, and the installation of the signal will not be realized.
Writing the operator "not" is applicable preliminary to all sign that
influences upon field COM of microprogramming block of management BY4.
All signals it is necessary to lock beforehand with one of the enterences
(L1..L6) of the multiplexor by directive LINK .
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
8. Commands of the processing of the interruptions.
The Commands of the processing of the interruptions fill the field of
microinstruction m/c BH1. The chip KM1804BH1 - is 8-digits microprogramming
scheme (with ability to be increased) of the vector priority interruption,
which produces processing by priority of inquiry for interruptions, which
enter by eight buses from different devices.
Commands of management m/c and types of their writing are brought Below:
1)RESET - a command for cleaning;
can be without or with one operand;
a)command RESET without operands conducts general clearing.
While this command is executed the zeroizing of the register of
the condition occures and trigger of the permit of the request
of the interruption moves into condition, which allows leaving of
the request of the interruption, a.w. system of the interruption
will react on the request of any priority
b)RESET MR - a clearing the register of the mask(zeroizing all
digits of the register of the mask); as a result
all interruptions will be unmasked.
c)RESET IR - clearing of the register of the interruption.
2)CLR - a command of bitwise cleaning of internal registers of the chip;
it is used to registers of the interruptions and masks:
a)IR - can be realized by signals from data buse, register of the
mask and register of the vector. For exemple:
CLR IR ,00011000% ; \clean 4 and 5 digits
CLR IR , MR; \clean that digits of the register of the
\interruptions, for which the numeral in
\ register of the mask corresponds
CLR IR , VR ; \occurs zeroizing those of IR ,
\which corresponds with the vector of the
\interruptions,located in register of the vector
b)MR - realized by signals from data buses.
3)SET - is a command of the bitwise installing of the register of the mask.
For instance:
SET MR , 11100000%;\masking hte interruptions,
\which enter from 8,7 and 6 external devices;
\the rest of digits of the register of the mask
\are not touched
4)READ - a command of the reading of the register m/c;
it is used to registers of the mask, of the condition and of the
While these commands are executing the signals, reflecting by
condition of register of the mask, conditions and vector, are
given on data bus.
5)DI - a prohibition of the request of the interruptions(occurs zeroizing
of the trigger of the permiting of the request of the interruption).
(command is without operands)
6)EI - the permittion of the request of the interruption; the command acts
opposite command DI. (command is without operands)
For all commands, where as second operand appears numerical value, shortcut
form is also equitable - without direct inputting of the data; then the data
will enter on data bus not from the memory of the microinstructions, but
forming in process of the performing of the microinstruction on the kit of
the microprocessor. For instance:
{OE_ALU; \allow the issue of the result of the execution
\of operation on data bus in ALU
XOR R1,R4; \execute the operation in ALU
CLR MR; } \clean those digits of the register of the mask
\that correspond to digits R1 and
\R4 of ALU and do not coincide
All commands, which read or give on data bus some values, work from younger
digits of the bus; for instance, the command
will issue the value of 3-digital register of the vector on three younger
digits of the data bus.
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
9. Command of the loading of the LOAD register.
The given command differs from all other commands of accembler, because it
assigns the loading of the official registers, that refer to many nodes of the
complex of the microprocessor. Depending on the operand that follows after the
command, it can be with one or two operands:
1)The loading of the register of the inputting of the operand of the block
of the ALU:
the given command does not require as second operand to indicate the
source of the loading or direct operand, because as hardware registers
are connected to data bus and after presenting the signal record the
value will be loaded in them, which is at present found on bus.
2)loading of registers of the marks of the controller of shifts:
here as the second operand it is possible to indicate necessary values:
1)Z - loading in all four marks the register of the zeroes;
2)NZ- loading in all four marks the register of the numeral;
3)FLAGS - loading in registers signs of execution of last
operation in block ALU; with using the operator of the modification
@ flags will be loaded in modified type (refer to table of the
loading registers of marks);
besides it is possible to load one register by another. The Examples:
XOR R1,R5;
The rest of the types of the loading of registers of marks are available
when the command FIELD is in a use.
3)The loading of the registers of the mask and conditions of the block of
the processing of the interruptions.
The Command can be with one or two operands. The Difference is that in
one operanded command registers are loaded by current information from
data bus while under direct inputting of the operand of the loading, it
is brought in the data field of microinstruction and is read on data bus
from there. For instance:
LOAD SR,7; \register of the condition is with 3 digits,
\remember that attempt to load there number
\greater then 7 will cause a mistake\
LOAD MR; \load in register of the mask
\the incremented value of the register
\R1(more exactly the younger 8 digits)
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
10. Command of the inputting of the field of microinstruction FIELD.
This command is universal that is to say with its help it is possible to
assign absolutely all microinstructions. After command You have to indicate
the field, which You want to modify and, then, through comma write all that
fields, which are situated in the given field. The standard mnemonics of the
fields and the list of falling into them fields are typed below:
1) BUS_D - a field of the issue of the constant on data bus of the
microprocessor; contains the field D and the field OED.
The Example of the writing:
FIELD bus_d, 0fecdh, 0;
2) BC1 - the field of the inputting of the functioning of m/c BC1; contains
the field BC1_MI.876, field BC1_MI.543, field BC1_MI.210, field A and B, field
OEY. The Example of the writing:
FIELD bc1, 010%, 000%, 001%, 4h, 0bh, 1;
that corresponds to the command of the assembler ADD R10,R4;
3) BP2 - a field of the inputting of the functioning of m/c BP2; contains the
field BP2_MI.CB, field BP2_MI.A-6, field BP2_MI.5-0, field E.C,Z,N,V, field
OECT, CEN, CEM, SE. The Example of the writing:
FIELD bp2, 0, 0, 6, 0,0,0,0, 1, 1,0, 1;
that corresponds to the command of the assembler LOAD RM, FLAGS;
4) REGS - a field of the inputting of the functioning of th registers of
choice of the operand of ALU; contains the field MSA, MSB, EWA and EWB.
The Example of the writing:
FIELD regs, 1,0, 1,1;
that corresponds to boot the operand A of ALU from register RA;
5) ALU - generalised field of the inputting of the command of ALU,
containing in itself consequent enumeration of fields BC1, BP2, REGS that is
to say 21 operands.
6) BY4 - a field of the inputting of the command m/c BY4; contains the field
MI, fields CCE, COM, CI, RLD, as well as field MS. The Example of the writing:
FIELD bu4, 0011%, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3;
that corresponds to the command of the assembler CJP not cond;
where cond - is a signal, taken out from the third enter of the
multiplexor of the conditions MS.
7) BH1 - a field of the inputting of the command m/c BH1; contains the field
MI, field EINS, field EV. The Example of the writing:
FIELD bh1, 1101%, 0, 1;
that corresponds the command of the assembler DI;
8) CU - generalised field of the inputting of the block of microprogramming
control and block of the priority of interruptions, containing the consequent
description of the fields BY4 and BH1.
9) MEM - - a field of controlling signals; contains the fields I, O, R, W,
EWH and EWL. The Example of the writing:
FIELD mem, 1,1, 0,1, 1,1;
that corresponds to the command of the assembler R;
10) ABSOLUTE - full field of the inputting of the microinstruction, which
contains 38 operands and comprising of consequent description of fields BUS_D,
ALU, CU and MEM.
If You don`t want to modify some field of microcommand, then You may
miss it, having puted in corresponed place am empty comma, for instance:
FIELD bus_d, , 0;
that corresponds the command of the assembler OED, but for the constant
the value is unchangeable.
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
11. Official commands.
The Official commands are intended for issue on elements of the
microprocessor complex different official signals, as the signals of the permit
(forbid) of the issue of the data on the exits of the chip or record in
internal registers etc. All these commands are especially specialized and have
no operands. The Influence turns on those fields of microcommand, which are not
touched by other groups of the commands.
1) The command of management of arithmetic-logical device on m/c BC1:
1. OEY - allow the issue of the result of operations in ALU on data bus;
by default the issue of the data is suppressed.
2) The command of device management of shift management on m/c BP2:
1,2. CEM,CEN - a commands of the permition of recording to registers RM and RN;
3..6. CEM_C,CEM_Z,CEM_N,CEM_V - writing the mark C(Z,N,V) in register of
the marks RM.
3) The Commands of management of device management on m/c BY4:
1. RLD - a permition of the recording in register of the address/counter
2. CCE - a permition of the presenting the condition
3. CI - a prohibition of the forming the address of the following command;
4) The commands of the management of the device of the processing of the
interruptions on m/c BH1:
1. EV - a permition of the issue of the address of the device of the
interruptions on data bus
5) The commands of the management of the external devices and memory:
1. R - a command of the reading from memory
2. W - a command of the recording in memory
3. IN - a command of the reception from the external device
4. OUT - a command of the recording in external device
5..6. EWH,EWL - a commands of the recording in senior and younger digits
of the register of the address accordingly. Two commands are incorporated for
event, when number of digits BD < BA and write the new address in register of
the address for one tact is impossible. Then the younger part of the address
on data bus is formed, and, after making the signal EWL it writes in the
register of the address, and then with senior part of formed address do the
7..8. EWA,EWB - a commands of recording in the registers of management of
the operands ALB RA and RB.
@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
12. Directives of the assembler.
The Directives does not translate in executive codes. They serve as pointers
of assembler on that or other action which it must do with operands, attached to
the directive. We shall consider the directives, supported by assembler
"COMANDOR" and rules of the work with them:
Following directives will are considered In this part:
12.1. Directive of including in translated text INCLUDE.
12.2. Directive of accomodations of the executive code ORG.
12.3. Directive of input of mark and(or) of the correspondence to EQU.
12.4. Directive of input of macros.
12.5. Directive of input of values of determined cells of memory DW.
12.6. Directive of installation of internal registers of complex ACCEPT.
12.7. Directive of input of switchings of the conditions for BMM LINK.
12.1. The Directive of the including of translated text INCLUDE.
INCLUDE (+) - a directive of the insertion in translating program of the text
from indicated file. The File assigned in directive must be in the same
directory, as translating file. The Example:
include macro.lib
+ routine
12.2. Directive of the accomodation of the executive code ORG.
ORG ($) - a directive of the accomodation of the executive code indicates to
the assembler on that nearest following after directive microinstruction will
be situated in memories of the microinstructions by adress, specified after
directive ORG. The Address must not exceed the last addressed field of the
microinstructions. For instance:
org 010h
org start
$ 100
12.3.Directive of input of the mark and(or) of the correspondence to EQU.
EQU (=) - a directive of the inputting of the marks and correspondence need
for You if You want to change any numeric constant or standard mnemonics of the
assembler on clearer equivalent for You. The inputting of the mark is realized
by writing the keyword EQU(=), name of the mark and by operator of division ":"
of equivalent of the mark.
For instance:
equ start : 10
= add :add equ op1 : r1
equ op2 : 10
$ start
{add op1,op2;}
12.4. Directive of the inputting of the macros MACRO.
MACRO (#) - a directive of the inputting of macros allows You to construct
your own commands and use them in the same way easy, as standard commands of
the assembler. The Directive of macros is assigned by keyword MACRO, name of
macro with enumeration of all its formal parameters and, by operator of division
":" - the macro, executed in the manner of standard command of the assembler
that is to say, inside of operators "{ }".
For instance:
MACRO inc reg :{ add reg, reg, z, not z; }
# JC cond, addr:{ Field Const addr, 0; CJP cond; }
# dec_RgQ :{ sub Rq, Rq, z, not z; }
The Name of macro becomes usual standard mnemonics for translator with all
spreading rights on it. The Names of formal operands of macro can`t be reserved
mnemonics. In program a macro is assigned by its name and, real operands
enumerated through comma in the same order, as it was inputed.
For instance:
{ inc r4; jc not co, start;}
start {dec_RgQ;}
12.5. Directive of the input of values of determined cells of memory DW.
DW - directive of the inputting of anyy cells of memory from lower 256
addresses (0..255), as well as random 32 cells of memories from the general
address space by amount of 2Mbytes by necessary values. For instance:
dw 03Fh:15
dw 124:1,2,3,4,5 \put into cells with address
\beginning from 124 numbers 1,2,3,4,5
12.6. Directive of installation of internal registers of complex ACCEPT.
ACCEPT - a directive of the installation ACCEPT will help You immediately to
install the initial condition of that internal register of the kit , which You
will need while you work. Following topics are covered:
12.6.1. Installation of internal register BC1 and BP2.
12.6.2. Installation of internal register BY4.
12.6.3. Installation of conditions external device.
12.6.4. Installation of internal register BH1.
12.6.5. Installation of speed of memory.
12.6.1. Installation of the internal register BC1 and BC2.
It is Possible to produce initial installation of following registers:
- a working registers R0..R15 or all together as RGU
- a registers RQ;
- a registers RM, RN;
- a registers RA, RB.
For instance:
ACCEPT RGU: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh
ACCEPT RM: 0101%
12.6.2.The Installation of internal registers ED4.
It is possible to produce initial installation of following register:
- a pointer of the stack SP;
- cells of the stack STACK[1]..STACK[5] or the whole stack - STACK;
- a register of the address-counter RAC;
- a register of the counter of the microinstructions MICR (PCMK).
For instance:
12.6.3. Installing of the conditions of the external devices.
It is possible to install the features of external devices (DEV):
- the type of the device: IN - input; OUT - output;
- an address of the register of the condition within 64Kb (max 0ffffh);
- an address of the register data within 64Kb (max 0ffffh);
- the time of the forming the signal "Termination of the cycle" (max 0ffffh);
- time of the forming the signal "Ready" (max 0ffffh).
For instance:
ACCEPT DEV[3]: IN, \device of the entering
0342h, \adress of register of condition in memory
0344h, \adress of the register of data
12, \how much is the termination of the cycle of
\the functioning
2, \time interval, after which the data can be
Besides it is possible to assign an internal buffer of data DEV_BUF before 16
words for the inputting device, for instance:
ACCEPT DEV_BUF[3]: 1EF3h, 234Ah, 0E79h, 1285h
12.6.4. Installation of internal registers BH1.
It is possible to produce initial installation of following registers:
- a register of the masks RM;(max value is 0ffh)
- a register of the permittion of the interruptions IR.
(max value is 0ffh) For instance:
ACCEPT RM : 10111001%
12.6.5. Installing the speed of working of memory.
It is possible to produce an initial installing of the speed of the working
of the memory by means of mnemonics RDM_DELAY, for instance:
will install speed to memories in 3 machine tacts
12.7. Directive of inputting of switchings of conditions for BMM LINK.
LINK (&) - a directive of the inputting of the adjusting the connections of
the kit allows the programmer to produce all necessary adjusting of the
system right in program:
12.7.1. Adjustments of the recording in register of the address.
12.7.2. Inputting the address of transition by vector of interruptions.
12.7.3. Adjustments of converter of address of the microinstruction.
12.7.4. Adjustments of the buffer V.
12.7.5. Adjustments of enters of the multiplexor of the conditions.
12.7.6. Adjustments of registers of the inputting of operands in ALU.
12.7.1. Adjustment of the recording in register of adress.
In given system the register of the address has 20 bits that with 16 bits
data bus requires two cycles of recording of information in this register; so
the register is devided into two parts, each of which controls by own signal
of recording:
- EWH for writing in senior part,
- EWL - in younger.
While adjusting the system it is necessary to assign the youngest bit of
recording by signal EWH that is to say, to assign the amount of bitt, written
by this signal. So that it can be written only for 16 bits, that, accordingly,
the starting bit can be from 4-th to 16-th inclusive.
For instance:
LINK EWH : 11 \adjust the recording in register of the address
\so as it will be recorded 10 bits of
\senior and younger
\parts of address accordingly by
\sinlals EWH or(and) EWL
12.7.2. Inputting of address of transition by vector of interruptions.
There is the possibility in system at appearance of inquiry for interruption
from one of 8 external devices to give on data bus the address of transition on
corresponding subprogramms of the processing of the interruption. 8 addresses
are kept in converter of the exit of the block of the priority interruptions,
presenting from itself the ROM 16*16. The enterence for given ROM is a vector
of external device VEC[0]..VEC[7]. The inputting of the address of the
transition is possible to realize for each vector apart,and also for all
vectors together:
LINK VEC : 1111h,2222h,3333h,4444h,
The Maximum address of the inputting - 0FFFFh.
12.7.3. Adjusting the converter of the address of microinstruction.
There is a possibility to give on internal bus of the address of the
microinstruction the address with buses of the data moreover in free order of
the following of bits through 12-digits buffer M . The inputting is realized
by consequent enumeration of 12 connected on exits of the buffer from 11 to 0
wires from data bus from 0 to 15, for instance:
LINK M : 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
12.7.4.Adjusting the buffer V.
There is possibility to give on internal bus of the address of the
microinstruction directly signals of inquiry for interruption IRQ0..IRQ7, the
code of the condition CT, the general interruption INT, readiness of memories
and external devices RDM and RDD, as well as signals Z and NZ through 12 digits
buffer V .
When adjusting You necessary to enumerate all 12 connected signal, for
instance: LINK V : Z,NZ,IRQ0,IRQ1,IRQ2,IRQ3,
12.7.5. The adjustment of enterings of the multiplexor of conditions.
On the entering of the multiplexor of the conditions L[1]..L[6] it is
possible to give the signals of inquiry for interruption IRQ0..IRQ7, of the
code of the condition CT, the general interruption INT, readiness of the memory
and external devices RDM and RDD, as well as signals Z and NZ. The inputting is
realized apart how for each entering the conditions,and so the general,
for instance: LINK L : CT,INT,IRQ0,IRQ1,IRQ2,IRQ7
12.7.6. Adjustment of registers of inputing of operands of ALU.
4 digits registers of ALU RA and RB allow to give on entering of the choice
of operands in ALU the data directly from data bus moreover the switching of
the wires of data bus on the entry of registers can be free and is assigned.
Adjustment of switchings of wires is realized similarly as adjusting of the
buffer M, for instance:
LINK RA : 11,12,13,14
LINK RB : 10,9,8,7
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
Application 1: The table of reserved mnemonics.
1)the directives
2)the commands
BC1 and BP2
external devices
the else
operation in the ALU
RQ Z R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 RA RB
inputting the type of the shift
inputting of the carry sign
inputting of the exit of the code of the conditions
command FIELD
operations in the device of the processing of the interruptions
operations of the boot of registers of marks
inputting of switchings of the conditions
4)the else
CP NOT @ . , ; :
Application 2: The Reports about errors.
1) "," Is Expected;
2) ";" Is Expected;
3) "." Is Expected;
4) ":" Is Expected;
5) "," or ";" are Expected;
6) The Mnemonics is not recognized;
7) The Directive is not recognized;
8) The Command is not recognized;
9) The Mark is not determined;
10) Double determination of marks;
11) Inadmissible using of reserved mnemonics;
12) Tne Number too big;
13) Incidental end of file;
14) Incorrect receiver of the result in ALU;
15) Incorrect inputting of operand in ALU;
16) Incorrect of operand of shift;
17) Incorrect operand of carrying;
18) For the operand of the condition the switching is not given;
19) Incorrect operand of condition;
20) Incorrect operand of the block of the interruptions;
21) Incorrect operand of the booting of the register of marks;
22) Incorrect operand of field;
23) Invalid using of the operand of the modification;
24) Repeated using of the data field;
25) Overflow of the upper addresses of operative memory;
26) "{" Is Expected;
27) Incorrect operand of the directive LINK;
28) Number of fakt. and formal operands of macro does not coincide;
29) Incorrect operand of directive ACCEPT;
30) The Cross determination of macros;
31) Wrong parameter of the command line;
32) is reserved for errors of file operations;
33) Operand of the condition is Expected;
34) Repeated accomodation of microinstructions;
35) Address of accomodation of the microinstructions is more then limiting.
Application 3: Inputting of fields of the microinstruction by default.
1 )field of constants:
- D = 0; (data bus-transmittion of the data in ALU: 0)
- OED=1; (permittion of the presenting of the data from field D
on data bus:is not allowed)
2)field of DPU (daya processing unit):
BC1: - MI = 64; ( the microinstruction: NOP; R+S+CI; A,Q)
- A = 0; ( address of RGU for writing in Rg A: R0)
- B = 0; ( address of RGU for writing/reading Rg B: R0)
- OE = 1; ( the permittion of the issue of the result on data
niche:is not allowed)
BP2: - MI = 0; ( microinstruction)
- E.Z = 0; ( permittion of writing the marks in RM: resolved)
- E.N = 0;
- E.C = 0;
- E.V = 0;
- OECT= 1; (permittion of issue of code of condition:not resolved)
- CEM = 1; (permittion of writing the marks in Rg M and N:
not resolved)
- CEN = 1;
- SE = 1; (the permittion of performing the shift:not resolved)
External registers of inputting of the operand of ALU:
- MSA = 0; (selection of the sourse of operands in ALU (MIR or RA,
- MSB = 0;
- EWA = 1; (recordimg in registers of selection of operands
of ALU: no)
- EWB = 1;
3)field BMM and BPI:
ED4: - MI = 14; (Microinstruction: CONT)
- CCE = 1; (permittion of analysis of the condittion: prohibited)
- COM = 1; (iverting of the entering of the condition: invert)
- CI = 1; (forming the following address of the microinstruction)
- RLD = 1; (the permittion of the recording in register of the
Multiplexor of the selection of the signal of the condition:
- MS = 0;
BH1: - MI = 0; (Microinstruction: RESET)
- EINS = 1; (The Permittion of acceptance of instruction:
not resolved)
- EV = 1; (The Permittion of issue of address of interruption of
vector on DB from ROM: not resolved).
4)field OM, ED, RA:
ED: - I = 1; (the signal of the reading from external device:
not resolved)
- O = 1; (the signal of recording on external device:
not resolved)
MM: - R = 1; (the signal of the reading from memory: not resolved)
- W = 1; (the signal of the recording in memory: not resolved)
RgA - EWH = 1; (the signals of recording on register of the address of
senior and younger digits: not resolved)
- EWL = 1;
Applications 4: Example of the program.
\ Program executes the following actions:
\ ---------------------------------------
\ 1) Selection the command of the microprocessor from memory
\ 2) Unpacking the command and making decision about execution
\ 3) Executing the command when command corresponds to pattern
\ 4) Forming the address of the following microinstruction
\ View of the command of the microprocessor
\ -----------------------------------------------
\ ┌────┬────┬────────┬────────────────┐
\ │xxxx│xxxx│xxxxxxxx│xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx│ - Length is 4 bytes
\ └────┴────┴────────┴────────────────┘
\ │ │ │ │
\ │ │ │ └─── 1..15 - a direct operand
\ │ │ └──────────────── 16..23- is not in use
\ │ └─────────────────────── 24..27- RGU,that keeps address of receiver
\ └──────────────────────────── 28..31- code of operation
\ Exemples of the patterns of the command
\ --------------------------------------
\ ┌────┬────┬────────┬────────────────┐
\ │0101│1xxx│........│xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx│ - Length is 4 bytes
\ └────┴────┴────────┴────────────────┘
\ │ │ │ │
\ │ │ │ └─── any value
\ │ │ └──────────────── is not in use
\ │ └─────────────────────── any one of registers R8..R15 of the block ALU
\ └──────────────────────────── operation of the adding
\ Initial adjustments
\ --------------------
EQU counter : R0 \ let R0 serves as command counter
ACCEPT counter : 0FEh \ let the current command is located in memory by
\ address 0FEh
DW 0FEh : 5800h,0100h \ command of the processor
ACCEPT R8 : 0123h \ by example of RGU, that keeps address of the
\ receiver let this address will be 123h
DW 0123h : 1111h \ let the cell-receiver contains number 1111h
EQU com_reg1 : R1 \ let R1 serves as register of commands 1
EQU com_reg2 : R2 \ let R2 serves as register of commands 2
EQU result : R3 \ let R3 serves as buffer of result of operation
LINK L[1] : RDM \ switching the signal of readiness of memory on
\ the first entering of the Multiplexor of the Conditions
LINK L[2] : CT \ switching the signal of the sign of the execution
\ of operations in ALU
EQU selection : 10 \ the address of the subprogram of the selection of
\ the command of microprocessor from memory
EQU unpacking : 20 \ similarly for s/p of unpackings
EQU execution : 30 \ similarly for s/p of execution
EQU fafc : 40 \ similarly for s/p of forming of the address of
\ the following command
EQU error : 50 \ s/p of processing the opcode that differs from
\ exemple
LINK RB : 8,9,10,11 \ adjust RB on lines 8..11 of DB, where
\ the number of RGU, keeping the address of the receiver goes
\ Macros, used for usually repeated commands
\ ---------------------------------------------
MACRO MOV MOV receiver, the source:
{ADD receiver, Z, source;}
MACRO READ_MEM receiver :
{R; MOV receiver, BUS_D; CJP RDM, CP;}
{W; MOV NIL, source; OEY; CJP RDM, CP;}
\ subprogram of the selection of the command of microprocessor from memory
\ -------------------------------------------------------------------
ORG selection
{MOV NIL, counter; OEY; EWL;} \reading the first byte of the command
{AND NIL, counter, Z; OEY; EWH;}
{READ_MEM com_reg1;}
{ADD counter, 1;}
{MOV NIL, counter; OEY; EWL;} \read the second and the third byte of the command
{AND NIL, counter, Z; OEY; EWH;}
{READ_MEM com_reg2;}
{SUB counter, Z;}
{CJP NZ, unpackings;} \move to s/p of unpacking of the command
\ subprogram of the unpacking of the command of the microprocessor
\ --------------------------------------------------------------
ORG unpacking
{AND result, com_reg1, 1111000000000000%;}
{XOR result, 0101000000000000%; LOAD RM, FLAGS;}
{CJP not RM_Z, error;}
{MOV NIL, com_reg1; OEY; WB;} \ write the number of RGU, keeping address of
\the receiver of the result in register RB
{MOV NIL, RB; OEY; EWL;} \read the receiver of a result in RGU into a buffer
{AND NIL, counter, Z; OEY; EWH;}
{READ_MEM result;}
{CJP NZ, executions;} \move on s/p of the executing of the command
\ subprogram of the executing the command of the microprocessor
\ ----------------------------------------------------------
ORG execution
{ADD result, com_reg2;}\execute operation of the adding
{MOV NIL, RB; OEY; EWL;} \write the formed result into the
{AND NIL, counter, Z; OEY; EWH;} \cell of memory, by adress of RB
{WRITE_MEM result;}
{CJP NZ, ncaf;} \move to s/p of next command
\address former
\ subprogram of next command address former of microprocessor
\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ORG ncaf
{ADD counter, 4;} \ the next command of the microprocessor is situated by
\ address, on 4 bytes senior then previous
{CJP NZ, select;}\ return to the stage of the selection of the command
\ The subprogram of processing the opcode different from exemple
\ ------------------------------------------------------------
ORG error
{CJP NZ, ncaf;}\ as processing of the error does not fall into the functions of given
\ program, so then simply moves to s/p of
\ next command address former
\ end of the program EXAMPLE.ESM
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
║C O M P L E X║
Programm for emulations of the computing system's functioning
built on base microprogramming sectioned kit of
series KM1804
║ Structure of microinstruction. ║
Memory of the microinstructions of the designed system contains
separate microinstructions, each divided on fields:
1. Field of constants:
address MCU (microprogramming control unit);
constant ALU (arithmetical and logical unit);
2. Field of the ALU :
chip KM1804 BC1;
chip KM1804 BP2;
registers of the address operands RAA,RAB;
3. Field of the MCU (microprogramming control unit):
chip KM1804 BY4;
conditions multiplexer;
4. Field of the PIU (priority interruption unit);
chip KM1084 BH1;
5. Field of the control signals:
MM - main memory;
IOD - input / output device;
RA - register of address.
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
D - constant;
OED - allow issue of the constant.
│ Field D ║ CONSTANT.
╘═════════╝ ────────┘
1) Lowest 12 digits are used to shape the addresses
transition worked out from MCU. The given digits
constantly enter on bus of the branching address if in
result of performing the command in MCU (chip BY4) is
formed a signal PE=0;
2) All 16 digits can be used to assign the constants,
which under signal OED=0 control can be issued on
system data bus. This particularity allows:
- first, reduce digits of ROM MI(the microinstructions)
to account of the joining by flap;
- secondly, enables to load the necessary constants,
masks etc. in any device, connected to system data bus.
The note. Values are entered in hex code.
After entering the new command zero constant became assign.
╘════════╝ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
The Permit of the issue all sixteen digits of the
field D on system data bus. Setting of given signal in
zero condition forms on system data bus condition of
constants of the field D. .
Level : 0 - Active (the issue resolved);
1 - Passive (the issue prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code(value 0 or 1).
After entering the new command issue constants from
MIM on data bus is prohibited.
@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
│ 2.Field ALU (data processing unit). ║
The data processing unit (hereinafter ALU) of proposed systems
is built with use of the following functioning junctions:
1) 4 microprocessor sections KM1804BC1, which form the
16-bit based ALU.
2) Condition control and shift Scheme KM1804BP2, which is ÀσѼá π»αáó½Ñ¡¿∩ ß«ßΓ«∩¡¿Ñ¼ ¿ ßñó¿úἿ èÔ1804éÉ2, ¬«Γ«αá∩
intended to joint work with processor element BC1 and
provides closing of data around microprocessor section.
Given microcircuit provides the functions of the
register of the conditions and forming of the signal of
the carrying, mix of the sources of the input carry
signal ALU, organizes 32 types of shift (arithmetical,
logical, round-robin), which can be usual or double-
length, contains two 4-bit register of the condition,
executes 16 operations on forming the signal of the
3) Microcircuit of the framing:
4-bit registers of operands (RAA,RAB);
The Multiplexers of select of the source operand, which
allows to address the registers participating in operations
ALU or from MIM, or on the address, keeping in RAA and RAB.
To manage afore-mentioned device, each command in MIM contains
the following fields.
Microcircuit KM1804BC1:
BC1_MI² - operation in BC1;
A,B - number of ALU registers;
OEY - acception for issues of result from ALU;
Microcircuit KM1804BP2:
BP2_MI² - operation in BP2;
E.ZNCV - permit of per-bit marks writing in RM;
OECT - permit an issue of the code term;
CEM - permit writing the marks in RM;
CEN - permit writing the marks in RN;
SE - permit of the shift performing;
Microcircuits of the framing:
MSA - source of operand in ALU (MIM or RA);
MSB - source of operand in ALU (MIM or RB);
EWA - writing in operand registers RA;
EWB - writing in operand registers RB.
╘════════╝ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Assign the operation executed in ALU. Given field contains
several sections (the flap), each defines the nature
of executed operations.
1) Field of the result receiver in ALU;
2) Field of operation in ALU;
3) Field of operation in ALU.
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
╘═══════════╝ ───────────────────────────────────────────┘
Field of the result receiver in ALU (bits 8,7,6).
Defines where fits result of the operations.
│MI │ │
│876│ where will get the result of operation processing │
│000│ F -> Q │
│001│ result of operations in ALU does not place in │
│ │ any internal registers and is used only for │
│ │ indirect effect, for instance restore all │
│ │ operation flags, or output the result of │
│ │ operation on the data bus. │ │
│010│ F -> B and result does not output on bus, │
│ │ but value of the register - an operand A │
│011│ F -> B │
│100│ F/2 -> B, Q/2 -> Q │
│101│ F/2 -> B │
│110│ 2F -> B, 2Q -> Q │
│111│ 2F -> B │
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 001 became assigned.
╘═══════════╝ ─────────────────┘
The field of operations in ALU (bits 5,4,3). Defines
nature of the transformation on chosen operand.
│MI │mnemo-│ operation │
│543│ nics │ in ALU │
│000│ ADD │ R+S+CI │
│001│ SUB │ S-R-1+CI │
│010│ SUB │ R-S-1+CI │
│011│ OR │ R or S │
│100│ AND │ R and S │
│101│ NAND │ not(R) and S│
│110│ XOR │ R xor S │
│111│ NXOR │ not(R xor S)│
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 000 became assigned.
╘═══════════╝ ──────────────────────────────────────┘
The field of operations in ALU (bits 2,1,0). Defines
operands, which participate in operations performing.
│MI │ │ │
│210│ mnemonics │R S│
│000│ Rx , RQ ; │A Q│
│001│ Rx , Rx ; │A B│
│010│ Z , RQ ; │Z Q│
│011│ Z , Rx ; │Z B│
│100│ Z , Rx ; │Z A│
│101│ Val, Rx ; │D A│
│110│ Val, RQ ; │D Q│
│111│ Val, Z ; │D Z│
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 000 became assigned.
╘════════╝ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Fields define numbers of registers in ALU, which are
used in performing an operation. Values from this field
are accordingly output on entrances A and B of the chip
BC1. The switching condition of these flap to microcircuit
BC1 are signals on the operands source select multiplexors
MSA=0 and MSB=0.
The note.
Values are entered in hexadecimal code.
When entered a new command then assigned zero GPRs
(general-purpose registers).
╘════════╝ ────────────────────────────┘
Permit for output of the result from ALU (BC1) on
system data bus.
Level : 0 - Active (output permit)
1 - Passive (output prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
While entering a new command the outputing of the
operations result in ALU is prohibited.
╘═════════╝ ─────────────────────────────────────────────┘
It will assign microinstruction which is executed in
device of condition and shift management KM1804BP2,
which provides a data closing around microprocessor
section (KM1804BC1). This field contains several
1) The management field of the signal carrying CI;
2) The control field of the shift performing;
3) Field which controls the output of the code
condition and loading of the register marks.
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
╘══════════╝ ───────────────────────────┘
Field that controls signal of carrying CI (bits 12,11).
Values of this field allows to commute the different
signals on entry Si of ALU sections.
│MI│mnemo-│ │
│CB│ nics │ shift, that entered in ALU entry │
│00│ Z │ 0 │
│01│not Z │ 1 │
│10│ │ is not used │
│11│ RM_C │signal of carrying is assigned as output of À registers│
│ │ RN_C │on the marks RM and RN in the following order: │
│ │not │under MI.5 = 1 with RM.C, otherwise with RN.C; │
│ │ RM_C│under MI.321 = 100 signals transforms by inversion │
│ │ RN_C│under any other combinations - without it │
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 00 became assigned.
╘═══════════╝ ──────────────────────┘
Field that controlling the shift performing (bits 10-6).
│ │ │ │ forming the shift signals for the ALU │
│ MI │ │ │ registers (with signal SE = 0 ) │
│A9876│dec.│ mnemonics ├──────────────┬──────────┬─────────────────┤
│ │ │ │ on register │ on reg. │ load of C flag │
│ │ │ │ receiv. resu.│ RQ │ in reg. mark RM │
│ R I G H T S H I F T S │
│00000│ 00 │ SR.0 │SRB:=0 │SRQ:=0 │ no │
│00001│ 01 │ SR.1 │SRB:=1 │SRQ:=1 │ no │
│00010│ 02 │ SRL (SR.2) │SRB:=0 │SRQ:=RM.N │ RM.C:=SRB │
│00011│ 03 │ SR.3 │SRB:=1 │SRQ:=SRB │ no │
│00100│ 04 │ SR.4 │SRB:=RM.C │SRQ:=SRB │ no │
│00101│ 05 │ SR.5 │SRB:=RM.N │SRQ:=SRB │ no │
│00110│ 06 │ SR.6 │SRB:=0 │SRQ:=SRB │ no │
│00111│ 07 │ SRWL (SR.7) │SRB:=0 │SRQ:=SRB │ RM.C:=SRQ │
│01000│ 08 │ SR.8 │SRB:=SRB │SRQ:=SRQ │ RM.C:=SRB │
│01001│ 09 │ SR.9 │SRB:=RM.C │SRQ:=SRQ │ RM.C:=SRB │
│01010│ 10 │ SR.10 │SRB:=SRB │SRQ:=SRQ │ no │
│01011│ 11 │ SR.11 │SRB:=CO │SRQ:=SRB │ no │
│01100│ 12 │ SR.12 │SRB:=RM.C │SRQ:=SRB │ RM.C:=SRQ │
│01101│ 13 │ SR.13 │SRB:=SRQ │SRQ:=SRB │ RM.C:=SRQ │
│01110│ 14 │SRA SRWA(SR.14)│SRB:=NO xor VO│SRQ:=SRB │ no │
│01111│ 15 │ SR.15 │SRB:=SRQ │SRQ:=SRB │ no │
│ L E F T S H I F T S │
│10000│ 16 │ SLL (SL.16) │SLB:=0 │SLQ:=0 │ RM.C:=SLB │
│10001│ 17 │ SL.17 │SLB:=1 │SLQ:=1 │ RM.C:=SLB │
│10010│ 18 │ SLA (SL.18) │SLB:=0 │SLQ:=0 │ no │
│10011│ 19 │ SL.19 │SLB:=1 │SLQ:=1 │ no │
│10100│ 20 │ SLWL (SL.20) │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=0 │ RM.C:=SLB │
│10101│ 21 │ SL.21 │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=1 │ RM.C:=SLB │
│10110│ 22 │ SLWA (SL.22) │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=0 │ no │
│10111│ 23 │ SL.23 │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=1 │ no │
│11000│ 24 │ SL.24 │SLB:=SLB │SLQ:=SLQ │ RM.C:=SLB │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│11001│ 25 │ SL.25 │SLB:=RM.C │SLQ:=SLB │ RM.C:=SLB │
│11010│ 26 │ SL.26 │SLB:=SLB │SLQ:=SLB │ no │
│11011│ 27 │ SL.27 │SLB:=RM.C │SLQ:=0 │ no │
│11100│ 28 │ SL.28 │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=RM.C │ RM.C:=SLB │
│11101│ 29 │ SL.29 │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=SLB │ RM.C:=SLB │
│11110│ 30 │ SL.30 │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=RM.C │ no │
│11111│ 31 │ SL.31 │SLB:=SLQ │SLQ:=SLB │ no │
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 00000 became assigned.
╘═══════════╝ ─────────────────────────────────────────┘
The field that controls the leaving of condition code and
boot of register marks (bits 5-0).The contents of the given
field can be interpretated in a different type:
1) forming the signal of the logical condition
(at signal OECT=0);
2) operations of the loading register marks.
(at signal OECT=1);
│ MI │ │mnemo-│ forming signal of a logical condition │
│543210│dec│ nics │ (at signal OECT = 0 ) │
│000000│ 00│ │CT:=RN.Z or (RN.N xor RN.V); │
│000001│ 01│ │CT:=not(RN.N xor RN.V) and not(RN.Z); │
│000010│ 02│ │CT:=RN.N xor RN.V; │
│000011│ 03│ │CT:=not(RN.N xor RN.V); │
│000100│ 04│ RN_Z │CT:=RN.Z; │
│000101│ 05│ │CT:=not(RN.Z); │
│000110│ 06│ RN_V │CT:=RN.V; │
│000111│ 07│ │CT:=not(RN.V); │
│001000│ 08│ │CT:=RN.C or RN.Z; │
│001001│ 09│ │CT:=not(RN.C) and not(RN.Z); │
│001010│ 10│ RN_C │CT:=RN.C; │
│001011│ 11│ │CT:=not(RN.C); │
│001100│ 12│ │CT:=not(RN.C) or RN.Z; │
│001101│ 13│ │CT:=RN.C and not(RN.Z); │
│001110│ 14│ │CT:=NO xor RM.N; │
│001111│ 15│ │CT:=not(NO xor RM.N); │
│010000│ 16│ │CT:=RgN.Z or (RN.N xor RN.V); │
│010001│ 17│ │CT:=not(RN.N xor RN.V) and not(RN.Z); │
│010010│ 18│ │CT:=RN.N xor RN.V; │
│010011│ 19│ │CT:=not(RN.N xor RN.V); │
│010100│ 20│ │CT:=RN.Z; │
│010101│ 21│ │CT:=not(RN.Z); │
│010110│ 22│ │CT:=RN.V; │
│010111│ 23│ │CT:=not(RN.V); │
│011000│ 24│ │CT:=RN.C or RN.Z; │
│011001│ 25│ │CT:=not(RN.C) and not(RN.Z); │
│011010│ 26│ │CT:=RN.C; │
│011011│ 27│ │CT:=not(RN.C); │
│011100│ 28│ │CT:=not(RN.C) or RN.Z; │
│011101│ 29│ │CT:=RN.C and not(RN.Z); │
│011110│ 30│ RN_N │CT:=RN.N; │
│011111│ 31│ │CT:=not(NO xor RM.N); │
│100000│ 32│ │CT:=RM.Z or (RM.N xor RM.V); │
│100001│ 33│ │CT:=not(RM.N xor RM.V) and not(RM.Z); │
│100010│ 34│ │CT:=RM.N xor RM.V; │
│100011│ 35│ │CT:=not(RM.N xor RM.V); │
│100100│ 36│ RM_Z │CT:=RM.Z; │
│100101│ 37│ │CT:=not(RM.Z); │
│100110│ 38│ RM_V │CT:=RM.V; │
│100111│ 39│ │CT:=not(RM.V); │
│101000│ 40│ │CT:=RM.C or RM.Z; │
│101001│ 41│ │CT:=not(RM.C) and not(RM.Z); │
│101010│ 42│ RM_C │CT:=RM.C; │
│101011│ 43│ │CT:=not(RM.C); │
│101100│ 44│ │CT:=not(RM.C) or RM.Z; │
│101101│ 45│ │CT:=RM.C and not(RM.Z); │
│101110│ 46│ RM_N │CT:=RM.N; │
│101111│ 47│ │CT:=not(RM.N); │
│110000│ 48│ │CT:=ZO or (NO xor VO); │
│110001│ 49│ │CT:=not(NO xor VO) and not(ZO); │
│110010│ 40│ NXORV│CT:=NO xor VO; │
│110011│ 51│ │CT:=not(NO xor VO); │
│110100│ 52│ ZO │CT:=ZO; │
│110101│ 53│ │CT:=not(ZO); │
│110110│ 54│ VO │CT:=VO; │
│110111│ 55│ │CT:=not(VO); │
│111000│ 56│ │CT:=CO or ZO; │
│111001│ 57│ ZORC │CT:=not(CO) and not(ZO); │
│111010│ 58│ CO │CT:=CO; │
│111011│ 59│ │CT:=not(CO); │
│111100│ 60│ │CT:=not(CO) or ZO; │
│111101│ 61│ │CT:=CO and not(ZO); │
│111110│ 62│ NO │CT:=NO; │
│111111│ 63│ │CT:=not(NO); │
The note: if mnemonics is not given, than it is necessary to use command FIELD.
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 000000 became assigned.
│ MI │ │ │operations for loading of register marks│
│ │ │ ├───────────────────┬────────────────────┤
│543210│dec│ mnemonics │ operation in RN │operation in RM when│
│ │ │ │ (when CEN=0) │ CEM, E.C,Z,N,V=0 │
│000000│ 00│ LOAD RN,RM; │ RN:=RM; │ no loading │
│000001│ 01│ LOAD RM,NZ; │ RN:=1111 │ RM:=1111 │
│ │ │ LOAD RN,NZ; │ │ │
│000010│ 02│ LOAD RM,RN; │ RN <--> RM │ RM:=RN │
│000011│ 03│ LOAD RM,Z; │ RN:=0000 │ RM:=0000 │
│ │ │ LOAD RN,Z; │ │ │
│000100│ 04│ LOAD RN,FLAGS; │ RN:=FLAGS │ Z:=ZO N:=NO C<-->V │
│000101│ 05│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=not RM │
│000110│ 06│ LOAD RM,FLAGS; RN:=FLAGS except │ RM:=FLAGS │
│000111│ 07│ LOAD @RN,FLAGS; RN.V:=RN.V xor VO │ RM:=FLAGS │
│001000│ 08│ LOAD @RM,FLAGS; │ RN.Z:=0 RM:=FLAGS except │
│001001│ 09│ │ RN.Z:=1 RM.C:=not CO │
│001010│ 10│ │ RN.C:=0 │ RM:=FLAGS │
│001011│ 11│ │ RN.C:=1 │ RM:=FLAGS │
│001100│ 12│ │ RN.N:=0 │ RM:=FLAGS │
│001101│ 13│ │ RN.N:=1 │ RM:=FLAGS │
│001110│ 14│ │ RN.V:=0 │ RM:=FLAGS │
│001111│ 15│ │ RN.V:=1 │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010000│ 16│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010001│ 17│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010010│ 18│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010011│ 19│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010100│ 20│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010101│ 21│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010110│ 22│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│010111│ 23│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│011000│ 24│ RN:=FLAGS except RM:=FLAGS except │
│011001│ 25│ RN.C:=not CO RM.C:=not CO │
│011010│ 26│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│011011│ 27│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│011100│ 28│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│011101│ 29│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│011110│ 30│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│011111│ 31│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100000│ 32│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100001│ 33│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100010│ 34│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100011│ 35│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100100│ 36│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100101│ 37│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100110│ 38│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│100111│ 39│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│101000│ 40│ RN:=FLAGS except RM:=FLAGS except │
│101001│ 41│ RN.C:=not CO RM.C:=not CO │
│101010│ 42│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│101011│ 43│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│101100│ 44│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│101101│ 45│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│101110│ 46│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│101111│ 47│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110000│ 48│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110001│ 49│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110010│ 40│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110011│ 51│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110100│ 52│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110101│ 53│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110110│ 54│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│110111│ 55│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│111000│ 56│ RN:=FLAGS except RM:=FLAGS except │
│111001│ 57│ RN.C:=not CO RM.C:=not CO │
│111010│ 58│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│111011│ 59│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│111100│ 60│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│111101│ 61│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│111110│ 62│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
│111111│ 63│ │ RN:=FLAGS │ RM:=FLAGS │
The note: if mnemonics is not given, than it is necessary to use command FIELD;
the torn lines in table mean that is given one command
for two codes.
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 000000 became assigned.
╘═════════╝ ───────────────────────────────────────┘
The permit of writing of the marks in one bit of the
marks register (RM) of BP2 chip. Record is provided
when signal SEM=0
Level : 0 - Active (writing is permited)
1 - Passive (writing is prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command then bitwise writing for all marks is resolved.
╘═════════╝ ──────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Permit the issue of the term code on CT output of the
KM1804BP2 chip. Herewith the formed signal on CT output
is defined by code in field BP2_MI².5-0 (bits 5-0 of
the microinstruction codes for the BP2 chip). The signal
of the logical condition is formed when OECT=0.
Level :
0 - Active (forming permit)
1 - Passive (forming prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command the forming of logical
conditions is prohibited.
╘═════════╝ ──────────────────────────────────────────┘
Permit of marks writing in registers RN/RM
of KM1804BP2 chip.
Level : 0 - Active (writing permit)
1 - Passive (writing prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command record in registers prohibited..
╘═════════╝ ──────────────────────────────┘
The permit of the shift performing in KM1804BP2 chip.
Level : 0 - Active (shift permit)
1 - Passive (shift prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command the shifts are prohibited.
╘═════════╝ ───────────────────────────────────────┘
Choice of the source operand in ALU (MIM or RA). Field contains
the signals of the multiplexer that controls a choice of the
address source of operand for operation in ALU.
Value : 0 - The number of the KM1804BC1 chip register is
extracted from MIM;
1 - The number of the KM1804BC1 chip register is
extracted from external register.
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering a new command the multiplexer chooses a number
of the register from microinstructions memory.
╘═════════╝ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
The low-level signal provides record of information from
system bus that is given in 4-bit registers (RA,RB)
of the operand choice in ALU. The number buses bits
that is used for loading registers are defined when
adjusting the system.
Level : 0 - Active (write)
1 - Passive (storage).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command the record in registers are prohibited.
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
│ 3. FIELD OF MCU (microprogramming control unit). ║
The microprogramming control unit (MCU) is built with use of
chip KM1804BY4, which is intended to control the sequence samples
of the microinstructions from the microinstructions (MIM).
The microcircuit provides shaping 12-bit address of the
microinstruction i.e. volume MIM can form 4096 words. Each
microinstruction, keeping in MIM contains the field, that are
controlling KM1804BY4 chip and framing equipment.
Chip BY4:
BY4_MI² - Microinstruction;
CCE - Permit of the condition analysis;
COM - Inversion of condition entry;
CI - Forming the address of the next microinstruction;
RLD - Unconditional loading of the address / counter register;
MS - Multiplexer that selects the signal condition.
╘═══════════╝ ──────────────────────────────────────┘
The microinstructions field of BY4 chip (unit of micropro-
gramming control ). Correspondence to between opcode and
executed function was provided in table.
│ MI │ │ │
│3210│ Mnemonics │ microinstruction executed in BY4 │
│0000│ JZ; │transition to zero address │
│0001│ CJS Cond,Addr; │conditional transition in subprogram by adress │
│ │ │from the microcommand register │
│0010│ JMAP Addr; │transition to address by decoder of commands │
│0011│ CJP Cond,Addr; │conditional transition to address from register│
│ │ │of the microinstructions │
│0100│ PUSH Cond,Val; │record in stack and conditional record in │
│ │ │register of adress │
│0101│ JSRP Cond,Addr; │transition to one of two subroutines: by adress│
│ │ │or from RA, or from register of the microinstr.│
│0110│ CJV Cond; │condit. trans. to address from external source │
│0111│ JRP Cond,Addr; │transit. to addr., conditionally chosen or from│
│ │ │ RÇ, or from register of microinstruction │
│1000│ RFCT; │repetition of the cycle if counter RA <> 0 │
│1001│ RPCT Addr; │repetition of the address from register of the │
│ │ │microinstructions if counter RA <> 0 │
│1010│ CRTN Cond; │conditional return from subprogram │
│1011│ CJPP Cond,Addr; │conditional transition to address from register│
│ │ │of microinstruction and reading from stack │
│1100│ LDCT Val; │record in RA │
│1101│ LOOP Cond; │conditional cessation of the cycle │
│1110│ CONT; │continuation of the work │
│1111│ TWB Cond,Addr; │branching on three directions │
Where Cond - checked condition;
Addr, Val - numerical values of the transition address and loading RA.
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²).
When entered a new command the code 1110 became assigned.
╘════════╝ ──────────────────────────────────────────┘
Permit an analysis of the condition signal.
Level : 0 - Active (analisys permit)
1 - Passive (analisys prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command the analisys of command are prohibited.
╘═════════╝ ────────────────────────────┘
Inversion of input condition. Provides inversion
of analysed in UMC signal.
Level : 1 - Active (inversion permit)
0 - Passive (inversion prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering a new command the input condition are not inverted.
╘═════════╝ ─────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Forming the address of the next microinstruction. In each
tact to output address is added values of the signal
at the input of CI, and that provides the automatic calculation
of the address of the next microinstruction.
Level : 1 - Active (address of the following microinstruction
is formed);
0 - Passive (address of the next microinstruction
is not formed).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command incriment of the register is given.
╘═════════╝ ──────────────────────────────┘
Unconditional loading of the address/counter register
with values from bus of branching address.
Level : 0 - Active (loading permit)
1 - Passive (loading prohibited).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command save of the adress register is prohibited.
╘═════════╝ ─────────────────────────────┘
The signal conditionselect multiplexer. This signal
(from 0 to 7) provide presenting on entering of the logical
condition one of 8 signals, which adjustment is executed
at switching of the connection.
│controll│ output │
│ │ MS │
│ 000 │ Z │
│001..110│ L1..L6 │
│ 111 │ NZ │
The note.
To entry, from 1 to 6, is possible to connect any signal,
provided in adjustment.
When entering a new command the code from entry MS is
given as 000.
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
│ 4. FIELD PIU (priority interruptions unit). ║
The KM1804BH1 chip is 8-bit microprogramming scheme of the
vector priority interruption that can be increased, which produces
priority processing of inquiry for interruptions from eight buses for
different devices. Fields that providing management work of PIU
is brought below:
KM1804BH1 chip:
BH1_MI² - Microinstruction;
EINS - Permit of the acceptance to instruction;
EV - Permit of the constant issue from ROM vectors
to DB (data bus).
╘═════════╝ ──────────────────────────────────────┘
The field of the KM1804BH1 chip (priority interruption unit).
The correspondence between opcode and executed function is
provided in table.
│ MI │ │ microinstr. executed in BH1 │
│3210│ Mnemonics │ (with signal EINS = 0 ) │
│0000│ RESET; │general clear │
│0001│ RESET IR; │clear IR │
│0010│ CLR IR,Val; │clear IR signal from buses of mask │
│0011│ CLR IR,MR; │clear IR with MR control │
│0100│ CLR IR,VR; │clear IR with VR control │
│0101│ READ VR; │read VR │
│0110│ READ SR; │read SR │
│0111│ READ MR; │read MR │
│1000│ │installation of MR │
│1001│ LOAD SR,Val;│load SR │
│1010│ CLR MR,Val; │bitwise clear MR │
│1011│ SET MR,Val; │bitwise installation of MR │
│1100│ RESET MR; │clear MR │
│1101│ DI; │prohib. of the request for interrup. │
│1110│ LOAD MR,Val;│load MR │
│1111│ EI; │permit of the request for interrup. │
The note.
Values are entered in binary code, that indicated by the
symbol '²'on the top of field identifier (IM²). When entering
the new command in this field is written code of the general
clear command, but signal EINS=1 that's why the instruction
is not executed.
╘═════════╝ ─────────────────────────────────┘
The permit the instruction acceptance. Provides acceptance ÉáºαÑΦÑ¡¿Ñ »α¿Ñ¼á ¿¡ßΓαπ¬μ¿¿. ÃíÑß»Ñ?¿óáÑΓ »α¿Ñ¼ ¬
to perform the instructions given in field BH1_IM².
Level : 0 - Active (microinstruction on BH1 is executed)
1 - Passive (microinstruction on BH1 is not executed).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command presenting the code of
the command on KM1804BH1 chip is prohibited.
╘═════════╝ ────────────────────────────────────────┘
The active level of the signal provides the issue 16-bit
constant from 8-address vectors ROM on system bus
data. The address for ROM is 3-bit vector, thet is issue
by PIC (priority interruptions controller).
Values of the constants, prestored in ROM, are loading
when the system is adjusting.
Level : 0 - Active (constant output)
1 - Passive (constant is not output because outputs of ROM
are found in one third condition).
The note.
Values are entered in binary code.
When entering the new command issue of constants is prohibited.
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
│ 5. Field of control signals. ║
I - signal of reading from external device;
O - signal of record on external device;
LCK - LOCK - signal for fixing of the daisy-chains conditions
(it is used before vector read);
IA - INTA - signal for acknowledgement of the interruption for
device in daisy-chain and for reading from DB
vector of the interruption;
R - signal of the reading from memory;
W - signal for record in memory;
EWH - signal for record in higher bits of the address register;
EWL - signal for record in lower bits of the address register.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
if [ ! -d "docs/" ]; then
echo "Error: No docs/ directory found!" >&2
exit 1
if [ -d "build/" ]; then
rm -r "build/"
mkdir build/
for i in docs/*; do
TARGET_FOLDER=build/txt/$(echo $i | sed 's/docs\///g')
echo "--- Generating $TARGET_FOLDER..."
mkdir -p $TARGET_FOLDER;
for j in $(find $i -name "complex-*.txt" -type f | sort); do
echo "Including $j..."
cat $j >> $TARGET_FOLDER/total.txt
printf '\n\n\n' >> $TARGET_FOLDER/total.txt
for j in $(find $i -name "comandor-*.txt" -type f | sort); do
echo "Including $j..."
cat $j >> $TARGET_FOLDER/total.txt
printf '\n\n\n' >> $TARGET_FOLDER/total.txt
Reference in New Issue