90 lines
4.4 KiB
90 lines
4.4 KiB
8. Commands of the processing of the interruptions.
The Commands of the processing of the interruptions fill the field of
microinstruction m/c BH1. The chip KM1804BH1 - is 8-digits microprogramming
scheme (with ability to be increased) of the vector priority interruption,
which produces processing by priority of inquiry for interruptions, which
enter by eight buses from different devices.
Commands of management m/c and types of their writing are brought Below:
1)RESET - a command for cleaning;
can be without or with one operand;
a)command RESET without operands conducts general clearing.
While this command is executed the zeroizing of the register of
the condition occures and trigger of the permit of the request
of the interruption moves into condition, which allows leaving of
the request of the interruption, a.w. system of the interruption
will react on the request of any priority
b)RESET MR - a clearing the register of the mask(zeroizing all
digits of the register of the mask); as a result
all interruptions will be unmasked.
c)RESET IR - clearing of the register of the interruption.
2)CLR - a command of bitwise cleaning of internal registers of the chip;
it is used to registers of the interruptions and masks:
a)IR - can be realized by signals from data buse, register of the
mask and register of the vector. For exemple:
CLR IR ,00011000% ; \clean 4 and 5 digits
CLR IR , MR; \clean that digits of the register of the
\interruptions, for which the numeral in
\ register of the mask corresponds
CLR IR , VR ; \occurs zeroizing those of IR ,
\which corresponds with the vector of the
\interruptions,located in register of the vector
b)MR - realized by signals from data buses.
3)SET - is a command of the bitwise installing of the register of the mask.
For instance:
SET MR , 11100000%;\masking hte interruptions,
\which enter from 8,7 and 6 external devices;
\the rest of digits of the register of the mask
\are not touched
4)READ - a command of the reading of the register m/c;
it is used to registers of the mask, of the condition and of the
While these commands are executing the signals, reflecting by
condition of register of the mask, conditions and vector, are
given on data bus.
5)DI - a prohibition of the request of the interruptions(occurs zeroizing
of the trigger of the permiting of the request of the interruption).
(command is without operands)
6)EI - the permittion of the request of the interruption; the command acts
opposite command DI. (command is without operands)
For all commands, where as second operand appears numerical value, shortcut
form is also equitable - without direct inputting of the data; then the data
will enter on data bus not from the memory of the microinstructions, but
forming in process of the performing of the microinstruction on the kit of
the microprocessor. For instance:
{OE_ALU; \allow the issue of the result of the execution
\of operation on data bus in ALU
XOR R1,R4; \execute the operation in ALU
CLR MR; } \clean those digits of the register of the mask
\that correspond to digits R1 and
\R4 of ALU and do not coincide
All commands, which read or give on data bus some values, work from younger
digits of the bus; for instance, the command
will issue the value of 3-digital register of the vector on three younger
digits of the data bus.