if self.MESSAGE["text"].lower() == "!пара-old":
        schedule = json.loads( readfile(self.path + "schedule.json") )
        current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        current_week = current_time.isocalendar()[1] % 2
        current_day = current_time.weekday()
        current_seconds = current_time.hour * 3600 + current_time.minute * 60 + current_time.second

        print(f"[DEBUG] Current day is {type(current_day)}({current_day})")
        if current_day > 4 or current_day < 0:
            next_week = int(not bool(current_week))
            day = -1
            next_pair = None
            pair_found = False
            for i in schedule[next_week]:
                if not pair_found:
                    day += 1
                    for j in schedule[next_week][day]:
                        next_pair = schedule[next_week][day][j]
                        pair_found = True
            self.RESPONSE = f"Сьогодні вихідний, тому пар немає)\n"\
                            f"Наступна пара - {next_pair['subject']} ({next_pair['lector']}) о {self.reverse_timetable[int(j)]} у {self.days_rod[day]}\n"\
                            f"Посилання (якщо воно чомусь треба): {next_pair['link']}"
            for i in self.timetable:
                if current_seconds < i:
                    print("[DEBUG] Looking up a relevant pair...")
                        relevant_pair = schedule[current_week][current_day][str(self.timetable[i])]
                        self.RESPONSE = f"Актуальна пара: {relevant_pair['subject']} ({relevant_pair['lector']}), початок о {self.reverse_timetable[self.timetable[i]]}\n"\
                                        f"Посилання: {relevant_pair['link']}"
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"[WARN] module: auto-schedule: exception {e} while looking up the pair")
                self.RESPONSE = "Сьогодні більше немає пар"
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"[WARN] module: auto-schedule: failed to process schedule.json ({e})")