add new module: tag-sub (allows to subscribe to events and get tagged once they happen)

This commit is contained in:
dymik739 2023-11-04 13:48:23 +02:00
parent 2b8105d2a8
commit 2a9bd28d65
2 changed files with 139 additions and 0 deletions

modules/tag-sub/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import os
import json
def setup():
for i in ["sub-storage"]:
if not os.path.exists(module_path + i):
os.mkdir(module_path + i)
def load_group(group_name):
if os.path.exists(module_path + f"sub-storage/{group_name}.json"):
return json.loads(open(module_path + f"sub-storage/{group_name}.json").read())
return {"hard": [], "soft": []}
def save_group(group_name, existing_group):
with open(module_path + f"sub-storage/{group_name}.json", "w") as f:
def sub_to_group(group_name, tag, persistence = "soft"):
for i in ["..", "/", "\\"]:
if i in group_name:
return False
existing_group = load_group(group_name)
if tag not in existing_group[persistence]:
save_group(group_name, existing_group)
return True
def unsub_from_group(group_name, tag, persistence = "soft"):
for i in ["..", "/", "\\"]:
if i in group_name:
return False
existing_group = load_group(group_name)
if tag in existing_group[persistence]:
save_group(group_name, existing_group)
return True
def get_group(cmd):
if len(cmd) == 1:
return "default"
return cmd[1]
def clear_subs_in(group_name, category = "soft"):
existing_group = load_group(group_name)
existing_group[category] = []
save_group(group_name, existing_group)
module_path = ""
def process(message, path):
global module_path
module_path = path
if not message.text[0] == "!":
return "", None
msg = message.text.lower()
cmd = [i for i in msg[1:].split(" ", 2) if i]
chosen_group_name = get_group(cmd)
if cmd[0] == "sub":
if message.from_user.username:
if sub_to_group(chosen_group_name, message.from_user.username):
return f"Subscribed {message.from_user.username} to the {chosen_group_name} event", None
return f"Failed to subscribe {message.from_user.username} to the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (event name violation)", None
return f"Failed to subscribe {} to the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (no username available)", None
if cmd[0] == "hardsub":
if message.from_user.username:
if sub_to_group(chosen_group_name, message.from_user.username, persistence = "hard"):
return f"Hard-subscribed {message.from_user.username} to the {chosen_group_name} event", None
return f"Failed to hard-subscribe {message.from_user.username} to the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (event name violation)", None
return f"Failed to hard-subscribe {} to the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (no username available)", None
elif cmd[0] == "unsub":
if message.from_user.username:
if unsub_from_group(chosen_group_name, message.from_user.username):
return f"Unsubscribed {message.from_user.username} from the {chosen_group_name} event", None
return f"Failed to unsubscribe {message.from_user.username} from the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (event name violation)", None
return f"Failed to unsubscribe {} from the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (no username available)", None
elif cmd[0] == "hardunsub":
if message.from_user.username:
if unsub_from_group(chosen_group_name, message.from_user.username, persistence = "hard"):
return f"Unsubscribed {message.from_user.username} from the {chosen_group_name} event", None
return f"Failed to unsubscribe {message.from_user.username} from the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (event name violation)", None
return f"Failed to unsubscribe {} from the \"{chosen_group_name}\" event (no username available)", None
elif cmd[0] == "call":
group_data = load_group(chosen_group_name)
tags = set()
for subs in group_data.values():
tags |= set([f"@{i}" for i in subs if i])
ping_string = " ".join(tags)
if len(cmd) == 3:
return f"{message.from_user.username} calls \"{chosen_group_name}\": {cmd[2]}\n{ping_string}", None
return f"{message.from_user.username} calls \"{chosen_group_name}\"\n{ping_string}", None
elif cmd[0] == "sublist":
group_data = load_group(chosen_group_name)
responce = f"Subscribers for group \"{chosen_group_name}\":\n"
for name, subs in group_data.items():
responce += f"{name}: {', '.join(subs)}\n"
return responce, None

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"start_on_boot": true,
"alias": "tag-sub",
"version": 2,
"index_file": ""