Merge pull request 'Little tweaks to variables.' (#3) from Rhinemann/modular-bot-framework-for-telegram-fork:master into master

Reviewed-on: dymik739/modular-bot-framework-for-telegram#3
This commit is contained in:
dymik739 2023-04-26 14:08:25 +03:00
commit 20be4be346
1 changed files with 13 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
cmd = self.MESSAGE['text'].split(" ", 2)
l = len(cmd)
command = self.MESSAGE['text'].split(" ", 2)
command_length = len(command)
if (cmd[0] in self.aliases) and (1 <= l <= 3):
if (command[0] in self.aliases) and (1 <= command_length <= 3):
models = json.loads(readfile(self.path + "translate_models.json"))
if l == 1:
if command_length == 1:
chosen_model = "cz-ua"
chosen_model = cmd[1]
chosen_model = command[1]
if l == 3:
t = cmd[2]
if command_length == 3:
text_to_decode = command[2]
t = self.MESSAGE['reply_to_message']['text']
text_to_decode = self.MESSAGE['reply_to_message']['text']
translated_t = t
decoded_text = text_to_decode
if chosen_model not in models:
self.RESPONCE = f"Такого варіанту транслітерації не існує. Доступні варіанти: {', '.join(list(models.keys()))}"
for i in models[chosen_model]:
translated_t = translated_t.replace(i[0], i[1])
translated_t = translated_t.replace(i[0].capitalize(), i[1].capitalize())
translated_t = translated_t.replace(i[0].upper(), i[1].upper())
decoded_text = decoded_text.replace(i[0], i[1])
decoded_text = decoded_text.replace(i[0].capitalize(), i[1].capitalize())
decoded_text = decoded_text.replace(i[0].upper(), i[1].upper())
self.RESPONCE = f"Результат: {translated_t}"
self.RESPONCE = f"Результат: {decoded_text}"
except Exception as e:
print(f"[translit-decoder] Got exception: {e}")