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ec152c5758 | |
e2ebe2d095 | |
5e5f76deee |
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import copy
from collections import deque
from typing import Tuple, List, Any
from typing_extensions import Self
from lib.prettytable import PrettyTable
@ -236,12 +236,12 @@ def binary_multiplication_method_1(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: Basic
:return: Register containing the product.
:rtype: BasicRegister
first_term, second_term = align_registers(first_term, second_term)
n: int = len(first_term)
rg1 = BasicRegister(deque([False] * n))
rg2 = BasicRegister(first_term.memory)
rg3 = BasicRegister(second_term.memory)
rg2 = copy.copy(first_term)
rg3 = copy.copy(second_term)
ct = Counter(n)
data_table = [["iter", "RG1", "RG2", "RG3", "CT", "MicroOperations"]]
@ -278,11 +278,11 @@ def binary_multiplication_method_2(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: Basic
:return: Register containing the product.
:rtype: BasicRegister
first_term, second_term = align_registers(first_term, second_term)
n: int = len(first_term)
rg1 = BasicRegister(deque([False] * (2*n)))
rg2 = BasicRegister(first_term.memory)
rg2 = copy.copy(first_term)
rg3 = BasicRegister(deque([False] * n + list(second_term.memory)))
i = 0
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ def binary_multiplication_method_3(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: Basic
:return: Register containing the product.
:rtype: BasicRegister
first_term, second_term = align_registers(first_term, second_term)
n: int = len(first_term)
data_table = [["iter", "RG2", "RG1", "RG3", "CT", "MicroOperations"]]
@ -361,11 +361,11 @@ def binary_multiplication_method_4(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: Basic
:return: Register containing the product.
:rtype: BasicRegister
first_term, second_term = align_registers(first_term, second_term)
n: int = len(first_term)
rg1 = BasicRegister(deque([False] * (2*n+1)))
rg2 = BasicRegister(first_term.memory)
rg2 = copy.copy(first_term)
rg3 = BasicRegister(deque([False]) + second_term.memory + deque([False] * n))
data_table = [["iter", "RG1", "RG2", "RG3", "MicroOperations"]]
@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ def binary_multiplication_method_4(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: Basic
return BasicRegister(deque(list(rg1.memory)[:-1])), data_table
def binary_division_method_1(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: BasicRegister) \
-> tuple[BasicRegister, list[list[str]]]:
@ -401,7 +402,6 @@ def binary_division_method_1(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: BasicRegist
:rtype: BasicRegister
first_term, second_term = align_registers(first_term, second_term)
n: int = len(first_term)
rg1 = BasicRegister(deque([False, False]) + second_term.memory)
@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ def binary_division_method_1(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: BasicRegist
return BasicRegister(deque(list(rg3.memory)[1:])), data_table
def binary_division_method_2(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: BasicRegister) \
-> tuple[BasicRegister, list[list[str]]]:
@ -443,7 +444,6 @@ def binary_division_method_2(first_term: BasicRegister, second_term: BasicRegist
:rtype: BasicRegister
first_term, second_term = align_registers(first_term, second_term)
n: int = len(first_term)
rg1 = BasicRegister(deque([False]) + second_term.memory + deque([False]*n))
@ -1,7 +1,90 @@
import bitutilities as bu
operation = ""
method = ""
user_input = []
def process_command(symbol):
global operation, method
if symbol.lower() in "asmdq":
operation = symbol
elif operation == "m" and symbol in "1234":
method = symbol
elif operation == "d" and symbol in "12":
method = symbol
elif symbol in " ;:":
print(f"Error: unexpected instruction '{symbol}', skipping")
def perform_operation(first_register: bu.BasicRegister, second_register: bu.BasicRegister):
global operation, method
match operation:
case "a":
result, carry = bu.binary_sum_with_carry(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nSum: {result}\nCarry: {int(carry)}")
operation, method = "", ""
case "s":
result, carry = bu.binary_subtraction_second_complement(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nSubtraction: {result}\nCarry: {int(carry)}")
operation, method = "", ""
case "m":
match method:
case "1":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_1(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nMultiplication (method 1):\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
operation, method = "", ""
case "2":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_2(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nMultiplication (method 2):\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
operation, method = "", ""
case "3":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_3(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nMultiplication (method 3):\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
operation, method = "", ""
case "4":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_4(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nMultiplication (method 4):\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
operation, method = "", ""
case _:
case "d":
match method:
case "1":
result, data_table = bu.binary_division_method_1(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nDivision (method 1):\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
operation, method = "", ""
case "2":
result, data_table = bu.binary_division_method_2(first_register, second_register)
print(f"\nDivision (method 2):\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
operation, method = "", ""
case _:
case "q":
case _:
def get_prompt_text(operation: any, method: any) -> str:
response = "({} {})"
if operation:
response += " {}"
if operation and method:
response += "/{}"
return response
def input_handler(first_register: bu.BasicRegister, second_register: bu.BasicRegister):
global user_input, operation
first_register, second_register = bu.align_registers(first_register, second_register)
@ -9,44 +92,25 @@ def input_handler(first_register: bu.BasicRegister, second_register: bu.BasicReg
while True:
prompt_text: str = get_prompt_text(operation, method).format(first_register, second_register, operation, method)
match input("Choose the operation:\n[a]ddition, [s]ubtraction, [m]ultiplication, [d]ivision, [q]uit\n>>> "):
case "a":
print(f"Sum:\n{bu.binary_sum(first_register, second_register)}")
case "s":
print(f"Subtraction:\n{bu.binary_subtraction(first_register, second_register)}")
case "m":
match input("Choose method to use (1-4):\n>>> "):
case "1":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_1(first_register, second_register)
print(f"Multiplication:\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
case "2":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_2(first_register, second_register)
print(f"Multiplication:\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
case "3":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_3(first_register, second_register)
print(f"Multiplication:\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
case "4":
result, data_table = bu.binary_multiplication_method_4(first_register, second_register)
print(f"Multiplication:\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
case _:
print("Such method does not exist, try again.")
case "d":
match input("Choose method to use (1-2):\n>>> "):
case "1":
result, data_table = bu.binary_division_method_1(first_register, second_register)
print(f"Division:\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
case "2":
result, data_table = bu.binary_division_method_2(first_register, second_register)
print(f"Division:\n{bu.format_device_state_table(data_table)}\nResult: {result}")
case "q":
case _:
print("Not an available operation, try again.")
if operation == "":
raw_user_input = input("Choose the operation:\n[a]ddition, [s]ubtraction, [m]ultiplication, [d]ivision, "
"[q]uit\n" + prompt_text + " > ")
elif operation == "m":
raw_user_input = input("Choose method to use (1-4):\n" + prompt_text + " > ")
elif operation == "d":
raw_user_input = input("Choose method to use (1-2):\n" + prompt_text + " > ")
user_input = list(raw_user_input)
for symbol in user_input:
perform_operation(first_register, second_register)
if __name__ == '__main__':
reg: bu.BasicRegister = bu.BasicRegister(bu.get_memory("memory"))
reg2: bu.BasicRegister = bu.BasicRegister(bu.get_memory("more memory"))
reg1: bu.BasicRegister = bu.BasicRegister(bu.get_memory("first operand"))
reg2: bu.BasicRegister = bu.BasicRegister(bu.get_memory("second operand"))
input_handler(reg, reg2)
input_handler(reg1, reg2)
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